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What. The fuck. Was that.


After I drive home I decide to hop in the shower as i'm now wide awake. I look up and let the warm water run over my face and body before letting out a sigh. "Have I gone crazy? A robot..? Like, come on y/n. Maybe you do need to try tinder or something because damn." I say to myself while I finish washing up. After I get out, dry off, and get changed I decide to head to bed. I end up staring at the ceiling for a bit, the events of the day repeating in my head. "At least I got tomorrow and Sunday off." I try to cheer myself up before eventually drifting to sleep.

Fast forward to Sunday. It's afternoon now and I decide to do some grocery shopping. I have plans to go out with a friend tonight, so i'm more done up than usual. "Hmm, do I really need these Oreos?? Yes, yes I do." I whisper to myself as I debate on spending my hard earned money on the delicious item. "buzz buzz. buzz buzz." My phone starts ringing in my pocket. "Hmm.. wonder who that could be.." I ponder as I place the cookies in my cart and grab my phone from my pocket, answering it and putting it up to my ear. "Hello?" I say. "Hey, y/n. Its Aiden. Two security bots are apparently acting up. Our supervisor was wondering if you could run over and check it out. He says you'll probably just be in and out. You'll get paid for it too!! I would do it, but i'm out right now and won't be able to make it. I hate to ask you this on your day off but.. you know.." He pleads told me. "Oh come on... I'm way to overdressed right now plus I have plans... I do need the extra money though... Maybe if i'm super quick I can still make it to my plans." I think it over for a moment. "Alright, Aiden. Let em know i'll check it out once I get my groceries home, alright?" I say after letting out a quiet sigh. "Thank you so much, y/n!! I reaaally owe you now, huh? I'll let them know. Bye now and thanks again." He says with a tone of relief in his voice. "No problem. Bye now." I say before hanging up. "Guess i'd better get this stuff home then. I think I got pretty much everything I needed at least." I sigh and head to the checkout area.


After I drop my groceries off at my place, I head to the Pizzaplex and arrive in a timely manner. The parking lot is almost empty, considering it's Sunday, meaning it's currently closed. I head inside and walk with a quick pace to the staff area. After gathering some tools, I go over the text sent by Aiden explaining where the faulty bots where located. I then head over to the spot, the birthday party area infront of the main stage. "Hope I don't run into any human security guards. It'd be real awkward considering i'm out of uniform. I do have my lanyard holding my photo badge around my neck though, so there shouldn't be a problem." I reassure myself. Once I get to the floor where the main stage is located, I walk out of the elevator and immediately spot two bots in the distance who are out of place. One is spinning in circles, while the other is tipped over on the floor trying to move. "Heh." I chuckle to myself as the sight is somewhat amusing. I start towards the bots and when I reach them I turn them off before examining the problems. "Oh, this shouldn't be too hard at all." One seems to have something caught in it's wheel, while the other just needs to be rebooted. Easy enough. I should be able to make it to my plans after all. Maybe even much earlier than I expected. I sigh in relief and begin fixing the simple problems. "Oh? Who's this?" A familiar deep voice calls out from a bit behind me, just as I get the bots up and running again. I turn around to see Montgomery walking over to me from the backstage area. "Oh man. Seriously the last person I wanted to run into. This is awkward." I feel my body heat up at the sight of him due to the events from a couple nights ago. "Well don't you look lovely. What's the occasion?" He asks with his usual wide toothed grin. "Oh, hey. I was called in suddenly for a small issue. I'm going out with a friend tonight." I explain, trying to hide my nervousness. "Oh?" His expression drops to a blank one. Seemingly upset. "What are you and this "friend" of your's doin' tonight? ..Hmm?" He asks in a deeper, huskier voice than earlier before taking a step toward me. "Uh, well, we're going to a nice restaurant by my place. I heard it's really good and wanted to check it out." I explain, confused at his sudden curiosity. "Mm. I see." He responds, brow now furrowed. "Um... Is something wrong..?" I ask. "You seem upset about something." I add. He lets out a small chuckle, expression still blank. "Well, I just didn't realize ya had a partner, doll. Considering, ya know, the way you were acting Friday night." He steps closer to me and leans to whisper in my ear. "You're very naughty, hmm? Playing with me like that all while you have someone waitin' at home." He says in a low voice. I feel myself turn red as my body temperature rises significantly at the sudden gesture. "Uh..! Uh, no! You've got it wrong. Seriously." I quickly explain before taking a couple steps back. He looks at me and raises a brow, seemingly looking for an explanation, and I quickly oblige. "They're just a friend! Nothing like that at all! Honest! I blurt out and my tone suddenly changes as I rethink his words. "I'm not a cheater or anything, so get that thought out of your thick robotic head." I say without thinking, offended by the accusation. The sudden realization of what I just said washes over me quickly. "Shit, I didn't-" He suddenly grabs my wrist and tugs me towards him, cutting me off from finishing my explanation. "Feisty, are we? You'd better watch who you're talking to, sweetheart." He says, grinning, brows furrowed. "Hmm... I like you, doll. So I'll let this one slide." He says before slowly loosening his grip on my wrist. It seems he took notice of the security guard approaching the general area as well. "Well then, don't have too much fun without me, will ya?" He says, lifting a hand up to pull his shades down an inch. "Meet me in my room on Monday, babe. After hours of course." He winks and pushes his glasses back up before turning around and heading back to the backstage area. "Alright. See you." I say almost weakly, still in shock from the whole situation. "What could he possible want on Monday??" I think to myself nervously before quickly heading to the elevator. I escape to the plaza before running into the security guard and having to explain myself. "Geez, I mean, who does that guy think he is??? Grabbing me like that.. I mean, I knew who I was talking to!!" I say to myself, trying to ignore the fact that I was going to immediately apologize after talking to him the way I did. "Anyways I gotta get out of here and meet up with my friend." I head over to the staff area to put my tools away for the night. After putting them away, I leave the building, lock the doors, and head to my car. Suddenly I can't stop thinking about it. How close he just got to me... Asking me to meet him in his room on Monday. "Stop it, y/n!!" I shake my head aggressively to snap myself out of it. He's a literal animatronic. "How would you even explain that to anybody???" I think to myself before I start my car and head off.

"I just need to forget about it and have fun tonight."

Reckless (Montgomery Gator x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now