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The next morning.

Shi Yunnan was sitting in the waiting hall of the Civil Affairs Bureau, and his mood was a little subtle. He didn't expect that the first time in his life would be the case—

With a person who has known each other for less than two days, agreement, flash marriage.

Now that the society is open, whether it is the opposite **** or the same sex, it is legal to marry, and even the procedures for obtaining the certificate are so simple that you only need to be present with your ID card.

Today is not a weekend, I glanced at him, and it is not a day with a special meaning. There are not many couples rushing to collect the certificate.

Luo Lingsheng sat in a wheelchair, "Very nervous? There is no room for regret now."

Shi Yunnan shook his head fearlessly, "What do I have to regret for picking up a handsome and rich marriage partner for nothing?"

It's just a fake marriage, and he won't lose a piece of meat.

The closed door opened, and the staff in charge of leading the process shouted, "The next couple can come in and take pictures."

The next second, her eyes were fixed on Luo Lingsheng's body, and the surprise and regret on her face alternated—

In a wheelchair?

With such a talented person, how could he hurt his leg? Pity.

Shi Yunnan had already noticed her scrutiny, and reminded aloud, "Miss, are you here yet? On the 14th."

The staff's eyes moved to the side, and after seeing Shi Yunan's appearance, they secretly sighed - this pair is so handsome, and they can get married even if they have inconvenient legs, most of them are true love.

"Yes, come in, take a picture and fill in the information."

Hearing this, Luo Lingsheng controlled the wheelchair to enter the room. Shi Yunnan sensed his declining mood, and followed him in with a flick of his eyes.

The layout of the shooting platform is very simple, with a big red curtain hanging on the wall as the background, and even the camera position is fixed.

When the photographer saw Luo Lingsheng's situation, he took the initiative to remove one chair, and then adjusted the other chair to the height agreed with the wheelchair.

Luo Lingsheng didn't speak the whole time, and his face was not very good-looking.

The assistant Qin Jian and the bodyguard Yuan Meng, who followed him, looked at each other and felt nervous at the same time—

The owner of the house hates being 'specially treated' by others. The photographer is kind but stepping on thunder everywhere, so he almost said, 'Because you have inconvenient legs and feet, I give priority to cooperating with you'.

Shi Yunnan really had any experience in this kind of thing, he sat down and asked, "Let's just sit and shoot side by side like this?"

"Yes. But this gentleman, you'd better tie your hair so that you don't block your face." The photographer suggested that the youth's hair length was not a problem, but his face was very delicate, and it looked better when it was exposed.

Shi Yunnan nodded and fumbled for a small rubber band from his trousers pocket. He glanced at Luo Lingsheng with a stern face, and approached the man before the staff handed the mirror.

Shi Yunnan grabbed the wheelchair by the armrest, revealing that there was a funny bad intention hidden, "Wait, don't move."

The distance between the two was suddenly shortened, and the warm breath was so close that it was quietly curled up.

After a Flash Marriage With the Disabled TyrantWhere stories live. Discover now