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"Calculation? You are obviously shooting yourself in the foot."

Shi Yunnan looked at Xie Keyue's face in the mirror, which was about to become unbearable, and turned on the faucet slowly, "I'm just taking precautions."

Shi Yunnan refused to accept his fate, but he was not a reckless man either.

He came prepared tonight, as big as every key person in the dream, as small as the result of every dice on the wine table... He remembered it clearly the day after waking up from the dream.

The results of the first nine rounds just now were within his expectations, and he didn't care either. If he lost, he would lose. Anyway, he could boost the opponent's excitement and lower his guard.

Of course, there is always uncertainty in everything.

"The last set is still a 50-50 chance, but do you know why I dare to gamble? Because the Shi family's property is just a pile of dispensable garbage in my eyes, and I don't care about it at all."

So, even if the dice in the last round changed, it didn't matter if Shi Yunan lost, but Xie Keyue was different—

On the one hand, he thought that Shi Yunnan was hit, and on the other hand, he was hit with greed by the increased chips, so he naturally lowered his guard against drinks.

The heat on his body became more and more serious, Xie Keyue tried his best to keep his breathing steady, not wanting to show a trace of embarrassment in front of Shi Yunnan.

He rolled his dry Adam's apple, squeezed it out between his teeth, and asked, "Did you bribe that waiter?"

"So what?" Shi Yunnan admitted generously.

As early as the first time he entered the nightclub, he paid for the waiter.

Xie Keyue's only mistake was to be too convinced of his majesty as the "behind-the-scenes boss", not knowing that money is the first weapon to win people's hearts.

Of course, in order to prevent the waiter from going against the water, Shi Yunnan deliberately did not allow Fu Ziyu to touch the wine. First, he secretly left room for himself, and secondly, he did not want to involve his friends too deeply.

"But if you don't have bad thoughts about me, there will be nothing behind it at all."


Xie Ke was more silent, gritted his teeth in denial.

"There are many drunkards with bad intentions in the nightclub. You are like this now... seek your own blessings." Shi Yunnan sneered and smashed the tissue into a ball and threw it into the trash can.

Shi Yunnan left without looking back.

He is not a saint, but he will not act like Xie Keyue. As for how the other party will end up tonight, it is all self-inflicted.

Xie Keyue just took a step forward. After the effect of the medicine, he suddenly knelt on the ground with his legs soft, and his knees touched the hard marble floor.

He is used to it all these years. He is a well-loved and respected young master at home, and a businessman with a wide range of connections and making money with his eyes closed. Where has he ever been in such an embarrassing moment?

"Shi! Yun! Nan!" Xie Keyue gritted his teeth.

He knew that this man was by no means a fuel-efficient lamp!

Since the other party can calculate him in reverse, it means that the group of hooligans he asked the waiter to find should not appear.

The rising anger was mixed with lust, which made Xie Keyue completely lose his sense of proportion in the past.

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