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Luo's Manor is some distance from the FYUE Club in the center of the city. When Shi Yunan arrived, his friend Fu Ziyu had already booked an independent booth on the second floor.

"Are you late for the treat?" Fu Ziyu scolded and pushed the tequila glass over, "You should be punished!"

"It's not even seven o'clock, the night show hasn't started yet, what's the hurry?" Shi Yunnan sat opposite him and took the initiative to drink the penalty drink.

Fu Ziyu poured him another glass of wine, and asked curiously, "Just after you entered the venue on the first floor, you were pulling the waiter brother and muttering about what? It's mysterious, I was sitting on the second floor and saw it all. !"

Shi Yunnan laughed softly, "It's nothing, just ask him to bring some more good wine to entertain you, the rich young master who rarely returned to China."

"Don't sell me nice words, but it really pokes my heart that you choose to pick me up here."

Fu Ziyu raised his glass in satisfaction, looking around with unstoppable excitement in his eyes.

Fu Shili is in the auto industry, and is considered one of the best in the domestic field.

However, Fu Ziyu, the rich young man, has no interest in the management of his own industry, but loves to study Club culture.

Whether it is an old or trendy nightclub brand, he knows it very well.

For him, dancing and drinking are second, and it is his dream to open a distinctive and formal top nightclub.

Fu Ziyu opened the topic—

"Yunnan, did you know? FYUEClub invested 50 million at the beginning. The owner, Brother Feng, is a well-known hotel expert. When he first bought the foundation of this abandoned factory, he was criticized by a group of insiders."

"As a result, you see? This nightclub has become the top club of the Imperial Capital within three months of opening. Now it has been open to the public for two or three years, and the daily traffic is still exploding."

The first floor of FYUEClub is a large-scale trampoline and deck, the second floor is a wrap-around independent box for midnight drinking and disco, and the top three floors are the lounge club, which is used to entertain guests during weekdays.

There are three floors up and down, each of which has been fully utilized.

Fu Ziyu estimated for a moment, then gestured with his finger, "The profit has increased by at least this multiple of the original investment! You say, does this boss Feng Ge have a good way of making money?"

Shi Yunnan raised his eyebrows, unmoved, "Brother Feng is just the boss on the surface, the real investment boss behind the scenes is someone else."

Fu Ziyu took a sip of wine and asked curiously, "How do you know? Who is it?"

Shi Yunnan reported a name, "Xie Keyue."


Fu Ziyu suddenly choked out, and asked incredulously, "Xie Keyue? That Xie Keyue who is half-sister to you?"

Shi Yunnan's face darkened slightly, "Correct, he is the child born of Shi Sheng's affair."

Fu Ziyu suppressed his desire to burst out, and after a while, he resumed the conversation, "How do you know that he is the boss behind the scenes? Is the news reliable?"

Shi Yunnan's eyes were dark and he didn't answer.

Is it reliable? Anyway, the original book plot in the dream told him so—

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