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Inside the display cabinet is a necklace that is as deep as the ocean and as mysterious as a dense forest.

It was properly laid in black flannel, and under the illumination of the scene light, it showed its soft and eye-catching luster more and more, so that everyone's eyes could not leave it at all.

The auctioneer began to introduce the necklace, "Dear guests, this is the last design exhibit tonight, designed and produced by the 'YUNAN' studio."

Like Lingyu's brilliant flower brooch, this is also a necklace jewelry composed of multiple jewelry elements.

Its base is made of platinum, and a total of eighteen rings with a diameter of one centimeter are connected to each other to form a necklace ring.

At the center of each ring is a pear-shaped brilliant natural blue diamond.

You must know that blue diamonds are hailed by the jewelry industry as "the highest miracle of nature", and they can usually be auctioned or sold for astonishingly high prices. One of the most widely circulated and famous blue diamond necklaces is the "Heart of the Ocean".

Not only that, with a natural blue diamond as the center, it is also surrounded by extremely small natural white pearls.

The white and warm fluorescent light and the blue diamond's brilliance are wonderfully combined. Under the perfect coordination of the lights, it is obviously a solidified object, like a deep ocean flowing with waves.

This is just a supporting role, because the real center of this necklace is a five centimeter diameter imperial green emerald bead!

Round and full, without a trace of impurities!

Although not as eye-catching at first glance as a blue gem, nor as cute as a white pearl, this imperial green jade sits quietly in the center, surrounded by diamonds and pearls, exuding its own mystery Dusk.

High-profile luxury, low-key magnificent.

This is the freshness of nature that belonged to tens of thousands of years ago. At this moment, it fully bloomed in the auction and spread in the eyes of everyone.


When everyone in the venue heard the introduction of the auctioneer, their eyes became more and more concentrated on the display stand.

The eyes of many noble ladies and kuotai are bound to get a fire, and they can't wait to go directly to the stage and put this necklace that is so delicate that people forget to breathe into their own pockets.

"Stop introducing! Let's start the auction now!"

"That's right! Just a few more introductions, and I'm afraid there will be more competitors!"

"I thought I couldn't find what I wanted tonight, but I didn't expect to be waiting for me here."

"What should I do, I'm afraid that my budget is not enough and I can't grab anyone else. Is there only one item? Can I make a reservation?"

"I haven't heard of this studio before? Later, you can ask the organizer if there is any contact information."

There were noises around, without exception, all from the guests who were deeply attracted by this necklace.

Yu Shuo, who was sitting in the front row, couldn't help but sighed sideways, "Mr. Shi, it's not easy to find all these jewelry materials, right?"

Although his knowledge of jewelry is a layman, he can also see that this necklace was not easy before it was made.

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