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Ten minutes later, all the designers, including Shi Yunan, left the conference room.

"The commander was changed before it even started, what's the matter?"

"Who knows? But then again, Yuan's cooperation agreement is quite kind, not to mention that their jade materials are indeed famous. As long as Yuan's pays according to the agreement, I am still willing to do the design."

"That's right, but long-term development is not the same as short-term profit..."

The six designers said as they walked, leaving the studio.

Shi Yunnan took his small bag and sat down at the side of the office without leaving with the others.

He brought the design draft with him today, and even if Lu Zhaoan temporarily put forward three requirements, he did not intend to change his work plan——

No matter who cooperates with, what kind of cooperation form, promise good design work, he must complete it on time.

This is the hard rule Shi Yunan set for himself after he entered the design industry.

Shi Yunnan glanced sideways at the closed door of the conference room, where Lu Zhaoan and Yuan Rui were still there. Even through the frosted glass, he could imagine the silent and frozen atmosphere in the conference room.

Soon, there was a strong quarrel, or it was more like Yuan Rui's unilateral vent.

"My dad is unwilling to accept the investment from Keyue, and you gave up the industry temporarily, so you threw me over like trash? Let me manage the jade design studio? Lu Zhaoan, I don't need your self-righteous charity !"

- bang!

The door of the conference room was suddenly pushed open.

Yuan Rui, who rushed out the door quickly, fell silent the moment he met Shi Yunnan's sight.

Shi Yunnan stared at Uehara Rui's faintly red eyes, his brows furrowed, and the latter's hands clenched tightly, after all, he ran away from the studio before Lu Zhaoan chased him out.

Not long after, Lu Zhaoan walked out with a solemn expression, and he was stunned when he saw Shi Yunnan who was still there.

Seeing the pair of senior brothers, Shi Yunnan shook his head rarely, "Mr. Lu, are you alright?"

"...It's okay." Lu Zhaoan calmed down and walked straight towards Shi Yunnan, "Why hasn't Mr. Shi left?"

"I brought the first design draft here." Shi Yunnan patted his backpack and asked in a relaxed tone, "It's just this situation, do I want to discuss with you, the person in charge? Or the little cry? Negotiate?"

Lu Zhaoan shook his head helplessly and approached, "Give it to me, I'll take a look."

Shi Yunnan passed on his first electronic design draft, but was not eager for the other party's feedback, "Mr. Lu, since I was promoted to be the chief designer at the meeting just now, I should have the right to ask..."

He paused and asked in the most usual office tone, "Why did you suddenly quit the studio?"

Lu Zhaoan stared at the design draft with his eyes down. In fact, his thoughts at the moment were not on it at all, "This is my personal decision, and I have already consulted Master's opinion."

In fact, Lu Zhaoan is not obsessed with the management rights of the Yuan clan, and even like his master Yuan Puguang, he has a preference for jade carvings from his bones.

"The reason why I helped manage the Yuan clan a few years ago was because I felt that Yuan Rui was not old enough to support him, and I didn't want Master to put too much pressure on him."

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