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Luo Lingsheng pondered the word.

He stared at Shi Yunnan for a moment, but there was an indescribable gleam in his deep eyes, and he smiled suddenly, "If Second Young Master Shi thinks he has enough physical strength, Luo Mou can cooperate."


Qin Jian and Yuan Meng in the front row looked at each other, as if they had discovered a new continent. How could the head of the family say such a thing? Still not changing the color of the heart is not beating?

Luo Lingsheng has been in the position of the controller for a long time. Outsiders seem indifferent and abstinent, but occasionally the black belly who hides in his bones sneaks out, which makes Shi Yunnan feel powerless to resist.

For example, the buckle behavior when photographing a marriage certificate.

Another example is the understated but full of playfulness at the moment, and Shi Yunnan's cheeks heated up, "Cough, I'm joking."

"I'm used to talking nonsense, but I do things in a measured way. Since the marriage has been negotiated, naturally I won't do fake dramas for real..."

The more Shi Yunnan said this, the more lighthearted it seemed.

The light in Luo Lingsheng's eyes dissipated, and he turned his eyes back, "Get in the car and go home."

Shi Yunnan was stunned for a moment, and always felt that the man's mood seemed to be lower, "My car is parked next to me."

"The car is for Yuan Meng to drive back, so you can get in this car." Luo Lingsheng's reason was very appropriate, "You just drank at the banquet? There's no need to find a chauffeur."

Yuan Meng quickly opened the door and got out of the car from the front row, "Second Master Shi, I'll just drive."

Shi Yunnan nodded, not rejecting such trivial matters.

Luo Lingsheng had already occupied the outer position, and it was difficult to move.

Shi Yunnan hesitated for a moment. After getting in the car, he directly rubbed against the man's thigh and knee in the slightly crowded space, and sat firmly on the side.


Luo Lingsheng lowered his eyelids and stared at the legs of the two who were touching each other for a moment.

It was obviously the contact through the fabric, but at that moment, he seemed to be able to feel a slight tingling sensation.

It was like the surface of the water that was always calm like a fake, but after standing still for many years, a slight but non-negligible ripple suddenly appeared.


Qin Jian's driving skills are very good. Shi Yunnan looked at the backward road scene on both sides and the occasional cosmetic billboard, and suddenly remembered something—

He was accidentally disturbed by him at the banquet just now. With Mrs. Zhao's temperament, she probably won't cooperate with Xie Keyue again. What about the cosmetic investment that Xie Keyue can make a fortune in the original text of the dream?

Is it so hot?

If this is the case, Xie Keyue reckons that he will have to put this account on his head again.

Shi Yunnan thought silently in his heart, always feeling that he couldn't just take it lightly, "Luo Xian..."

He looked at the man beside him, paused for a moment and then changed his words, "Luo Lingsheng, can you check something for me? It's not illegal."

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