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Zhao's new product pre-sale?

And the product packaging is similar to the new products that Knowles will release in the next quarter?

As the first designer of product appearance, Shi Yunnan had to personally come forward to understand the situation. After Luo Lingsheng heard the news, he simply followed the former to Lou's headquarters.

When the two arrived at Lou's conference room, all the key employees involved in this investment cooperation were already in place.

When everyone present saw Luo Lingsheng, the big man, they all became nervous.

Luo Lingsheng and Shi Yunnan took their seats calmly and went straight in, "What's the situation now?"

He is the chairman of the Luo Group, and naturally has the right to intervene in the investment projects under his hands.

"Let me tell you."

Lou Qian linked his tablet to the big screen and said straight to the point, "At four o'clock in the afternoon, the largest cosmetics brand under the Zhao Group, 'Yufuji', published a new pre-sale news on the official blog, saying that the company Created a new line of 'Miki' cushion foundation."

The pre-sale concept description of the product is roughly divided into two parts -

One is the formula concept of a series of products, and the other is the display of product appearance design.

Lou swiped his fingertip on the tablet, and the large screen projected the appearance of the product they released, "Mr. Shi, do you have a look?"

The moment the product appearance picture appeared, there was a subtle coldness in Shi Yunnan's eyes——

This is his design, but it can't be said to be exactly the same.

Shi Yunnan asked before that Lou's main products in the past two years are a two-color skin nourishing foundation and air cushion, and a series of six-color lipsticks.

It uses the upgrade of ancient recipes and modern technology based on the extraction of nectar. The products are all monitored by the relevant departments and are harmless to the human body.

Therefore, Shi Yunnan designed a series of appearances of the same color around the element of 'flower'.

Take, for example, the appearance design of the lipstick - the cylindrical shell design, with a rare flower-shaped relief on the market, and the rest of the outer wall is designed with golden printing.

Not only that, each embossed stamen is inlaid with a polished topaz.

This ingenious little design also benefits from Shi Yunnan's accumulated experience in jewelry design.

The color and luster of artificial topaz are not reduced, but the overall cost is far cheaper than natural jewelry.

If the large batch is enough for secondary processing, although the cost is higher than the ordinary shape design, Knowles can afford it after owning the investment.

Best of all, artificial topaz looks like natural jewelry without looking cheap.

The new air cushion foundation launched by Zhao's now just changed the design of the lipstick shell to the design of the air cushion shell, and the relief pattern has been changed, and the design of the remaining elements is almost the same.

At this level, plagiarism is not an exaggeration!

"Mr. Shi, what do you think of this?" Lou Qian waited patiently for a while before asking Shi Yunnan.

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