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The room is filled to the brim with people. They swarm around me, drinks in hand, looking and commenting on the art around them. I had no idea this place was so popular.

"Andrew! Your artwork is beautiful! I've never seen your mother look so alive," a woman tells me, "And that eye sculpture of yours is beautifully made. Picturesque! I'm Olivia Cook, by the way, Roe Cook's wife."

Understanding, I nod and shake her hand.

"Pleasure to meet you Mrs. Cook," I say politely.

"Pleasure's all mine."

I smile at her as she walks off to look at other art pieces.

I search the room for a dark head and quickly spot her looking at a portrait in the far corner. I reach Rita and slip my arms around her waist.

"Hey beautiful," I whisper in her ear.

She jumps and turns around, clutching her heart and her water, making sure it doesn't spill.

"God! You scared the crap out of me!"

I laugh and bring her lips to mine.

"Come with me, I'll show you my art," I say before dragging her to my mother's portrait.

"She's beautiful," Rita whispers. I nod and keep my arm around her waist.

"I wish you could've met her," I say. Rita nods.

"I wish I could've." I lead her to the sculpture of the eye and she gapes at the colours.

"This is gorgeous!" she gawks. I smile and she looks at me with a serious yet playful look in her eye.

"You," she says, bringing her face to mine, "are the best artist in the entire room."

I nod and smile before planting a kiss on her lips. I feel a tap on my shoulder and turn around to see Mrs. Greer standing behind me.

"All these pieces are lovely!" she says gruffly.

"Thank you Mrs. Greer."

"Oh, please! Call me Margarita."

My eyes widen and I look at Rita next to me. Her mouth is hanging open in the cutest way and I laugh, shutting it closed.

"Of course Margarita. I'll make sure to come visit you soon," I tell her, holding back my laugh. She nods and wanders off, running into people with her cane.

"Do not forget about the area God only meant to be treated nicely," Rita reminds me, "Because I can make it hurt."

I laugh and whisper in her ear, "I'd never call you by the name of a pizza, though I find it quite adorable. Almost as adorable as its owner," I add.

"That's better," she says before wandering off to find her father.

I turn around and run right into mine.

His eyes are sparkling and I notice the Coke in his hands.

"No words could describe how proud I am of you," my father tells me.

A warm feeling spreads in my stomach and I hug him tightly.

"It means so much that you came," I reply.

"So have you decided when you're going back to Oakland?" my dad asks.

I can see the sadness and denial in his eyes and I can tell he doesn't want me to leave. In that moment, I realize I don't want to leave either. I look around me at the people patting me on the back, congratulating me, and even still saying sorry about Allie. And I don't want to leave.

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