Chapter 15: Andrew

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I stare at myself in the mirror. I look from different angles, cursing for letting Shane put gel in my hair. I ruffle it and try to get the oily substance out but boy, that stuff is resistant.

I pull at my collared shirt and roll up my sleeves, before looking down at the shoes Shane had let me borrow. They were black Nikes, with the laces tucked inside. I found it unbearably awkward, but Shane had insisted they were ‘hotter than my usual lame Converse’. 

As I pick up my wallet and phone and stuff them into my pocket, I pray that the evening will go well. It’s my first date in months and I feel like I’ve lost all my smoothness and charm.

But, if she doesn’t show up, then I won’t be having the problem of sounding and looking like a total failure. Even with that thought in mind, my heart hopes beyond hope that she makes it to the park. I take one last look in the mirror, pop a mint in my mouth and slide my jacket on before leaving the room.

Downstairs, I hear the television and see the lights reflect against the back wall of the living room. As I grab a set of keys out of the box, I hear my dad say, “Where are you going?”

I answer him by slamming the door.


I look at my watch for the tenth time in five minutes. My leg is jumping and I can feel its making the woman beside me nervous so I stop. I stand up, pace around the bench and sit back down letting my leg start bouncing again. I glance at my watch: 19:08.

She’s eight minutes late.

“Or,” I ponder with myself, “she’s not late and she just doesn’t want to go on a date with an idiot like you.”

I hear the woman next to me cough and I quickly shut up. The leaves on the trees rustle and I hear the woman’s voice carried with the wind to my ears. 

“Waiting for someone?” she says, smiling. She looks like she's in her thirties or forties. She's dressed as if she'd just come back from work with a short skirt and flowered, ruffled blouse. 

I smile back.

“Hopefully,” I answer.

She sighs and laughs. “I remember being nervous for a date,” she tells me, “Worst feeling in the world. But when the person finally shows up, it’s just the best feeling.” She shakes her head and smiles.

“What’re you waiting for?” I ask curiously. 

“I had to go a few minutes ago, but I decided to stay back and see if your date shows up.” 

I look at her and she smiles. I feel butterflies in my stomach and smile back nervously.

“You think she will?” I ask.

She looks across the fountain and points to a figure standing behind the rushing water.

“If she has long brown hair and looks like a very beautiful girl, then I think she’s made it.”

I look to where she’s pointing and a smile immediately lights up my face. Across from our bench stands Rita, looking even more beautiful than ever.

“Thank you,” I whisper to the woman with a grateful smile.

“Good luck,” she answers and stands, walking through the blooming flowers on either side of the path.

I stand up as well and walk over to one, single beautiful flower.

I stop in front of Rita and say, “You got my message.”

“Why else would I be here?” she answers, smiling shyly.

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