Prologue: The Accident

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It was cold that night, the wind whipping at her face. The icy roads swerved their way back to the city, the trees on either side covered with a light frost, and the girl was sure she even spotted some snow, quite rare for this early in the winter. The air that blew in from the window was cold. Not icy, but cold enough to set a chill in her arms and goosebumps down her spine.

The car she was in didn't seem to be on her side, either, the leather seats, cooled by the wind biting at her skin and reminding her of the window that lay wide open at her side. She shivered and brought her gaze to the driver at her side. His eyes seemed glazed over and the light reflected from somewhere deeper in his brain, as if it took longer for it to register in his mind. A side-effect. His gaze was dazed as he surveyed the road and the girl was doing her best to distract herself from the anxiety he gave her, from the fear of the other side-effects kicking in. She played with her long, auburn hair, twisting the locks in her fingers and observing her gnawed nails, reminding herself once again that she should desperately stop chewing them.

A sudden movement from the vehicle brought her eyes up to the road. She spotted a crow flying off in the distance and she sighed, half in relief, half in fear--maybe the bird hadn't caused an accident, but if it had taken so little for the driver to be shaken, who knew what would be enough to destroy his control completely?

They'd been swerving down this road for half an hour and hadn't encountered a single car, probably a sign of mercy from God. As much as she'd liked to say she wasn't scared or even nervous about being driven home by the man that sat to her left, she was. They'd done this plenty of times before, but nothing could shake the feeling of being unbalanced, out of control. It drove her crazy. It was like taking a plane; no matter how many times you flew, the turbulence would continue to worry you, the take-off would still bring fear and the landing, relief.

As if suddenly realizing they probably wouldn't meet a car for a while, the driver stepped on the accelerator, turning around a curve. The girl's hair whizzed around her face, catching on her eyelashes lengthened by the mascara she'd worn that night. She brushed the dark brown hair out of her eyes just to have it blown and stuck back to her lipstick. She sighed and began rolling up the window, shivering and holding her hair back behind her ears. She was sick of this, and she wanted the driver to know it, to finally become aware of her since they hadn't said a word to each other since she'd stepped into the car.

The driver grunted in response, "Roll that down, I need fresh air."

"Come on, Dad," she pleaded, her lips set in an angry pout. "It's freezing and my hair keeps flying around my face."

"Wear your jacket. Tie your hair up. It's not rocket science," was his answer. He hadn't so much as flinched at her request. The girl searched her father's face for some kind of pity, but found none. She continued staring at his face, her arms crossed on her chest in anger.

"Why do you have to do this, Dad?"

"We're not talking about this now. Just roll the window down." His teeth were clenched and the girl decided to stop arguing. It never did any good anyway.

Reluctantly, her finger pressed the button down as she braced for the rush of cold air that would soon meet her. The cold wind brought with it a wave of disappointment and anger she decided to keep bottled up until her father had regained control of his thoughts.

She grabbed a hairband out of her small black purse, pushed the hair out of her face and tied it up in a quick pony tail. The driver grunted as a sign of thanks and kept his eyes on the road, facing another curve. The girl shivered and unclicked her seatbelt to give herself more room to reach over her seat and look for a jacket.

The seat was dark and she grumbled at the darkness, rummaging blindly in search for a piece of clothing that would warm her shivering shoulders.

Ugh, seriously? she thought. Where the hell did I put my jacket?

A sudden movement made her jerk, as she caught sight of the jacket. She grind her teeth and reached down to the soft material, grabbing it tightly with her fist as another shake vibrated through the car.

"God, Dad, couldn't you drive more carefu--"

"Allie! What're you doing, sit down!" the driver yelled.

They spun past a curve and Allie had just enough time to catch sight of another car swerving across the road at the same moment before collapsing into her seat. The driver barely had time to react as he spun the wheel as hard as possible, willing the car to move out of the way.

And it did, but the patch of ice didn't and they found themselves twisting around the road, Allie's head banging on the hood of the car. Her teeth sank into her tongue as they turned, when finally the car came to a stand still. She found she'd been gripping the armrest, but couldn't seem to let go, the ice cold fear in her blood stopping her arm from reaching over to buckle her seatbelt safely.

The sound of heaving breaths coming from the two filled the car and Allie shortly whimpered at the pain in her tongue, the blood filling her mouth quickly, though she was secretly glad that was the only injury she'd suffer'd. She guessed luck was on her side tonight.

The car that had caused them to skid across the icy road slowed to a stop on the side of the road while the car Allie was in stayed righted horizontally across it, blocking the path of any coming car. Allie kept breathing heavily and looked at the driver. His face had lost its cool composure and was now filled with fright he was so desperately trying to hide from his daughter--and failing.

"Are you alright?" he asked, his voice trembling slightly.

The people from the car behind them had started climbing out, worried looks plastered on their faces. Allie looked at them across her father's face and noticed their look of worry replaced with a wave of horror. She frowned, confused.

"Yeah, I'm−" She didn't have time to finish her thought before it came. Though what came wasn't a car; it was a truck. The delivery truck towered over their Toyota, threatening to crush it. And it did.

All Allie remembered from then on was her own scream that filled her ears, and the taste of blood which was still gushing from the wound in her tongue and the look of horror on the other driver's face as he spotted the truck that would later crush the side of their Toyota without mercy. She also remembered the bumper colliding with her side of the car as it toppled and crashed onto its roof, the metal door indented into her ribs. All she could do was gasp for air before plunging into a never-ending darkness filled with blood, glass, and pain.


Hope you're enjoying the story so far even thought you've only read one chapter. This is my first story on Wattpad and I'd really love the comments telling me how I'm doing. VOTES are also ALWAYS appreciated. :)


[This story is undergoing editing so if you spot a mistake, tell me!]

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