2 week well baby check up

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~2 weeks later~ 7:00 am

Kamala is in bed nursing Alexis and Isabella.

Doug- "Honey, what time is Alexis & Isabella's checkup today? Alexis and Isabella are 2 weeks old today!"

Kamala- "I know, our babies are growing up to fast please slow down. 9:30, they don't get any shots today, they will get shots when they are a month and 2 months, they will get weighed, and Dr. Robbins will look at their belly button, make sure it's healing, yesterday when I was changing them I noticed that their cords fell off, and it was red, I cleaned it with alcohol, I know they gained but I don't know how much, but they do love to eat"

Doug- "what are they going to wear today, and are they going to match today, and you're right, they do love to eat, and your right I know they gained weight, how much I don't know, and I have noticed, that Alexis likes to suck her thumb and she likes her swing"

Kamala- "not today, somedays they will and somedays they will wear different clothes, even though they are identical, I'm starting to see little differences between them, I know Isabella likes to be rocked to sleep at least right now and she likes to nap in her carrier that I wear, where Alexis likes to be in her swing and Isabella loves napping on my shoulder, in the carrier that I wear"

Doug- "that she does, Isabella doesn't really like her swing, I tried to put her in it yesterday, and she cried, she wanted to be held, this was while you were in the shower, I was holding Isabella and she went to sleep on my shoulder"

Kamala- "they are going to wear different outfits today, Isabella is going to wear Daddy's little princess outfit and her bear socks and Alexis is going to wear her berry cute little sister outfit, pink and white socks and her chucks"

Doug- "okay, I will get them dressed as soon as they are done eating"

Kamala- "Alexis is done, and she's burped, she just needs to be changed, and you gotta get her dressed, Isabella is almost done"

Doug gets the burp cloth and puts it on his shoulder and burps Alexis, and a few minutes later she burps. "Alexis, I know you don't like this but Daddy's gotta change your diaper then we are going to get you dressed, you have your checkup today and so does your sister, and we are going to see how much weight you have gained and you have your checkup"

Kamala- "Isabella's done, and burped, can you please get them dressed, I want to take a quick shower, it's 8:15 and we have to leave here at 8:45 I want to stop at Starbucks, I need coffee, and breakfast, I'm hungry"

Doug- "yes of course I will get them dressed, and make breakfast, what would you like"

Kamala- "toasted bagel, with strawberry cream cheese, and strawberries, and cantaloupe, and blueberries"

Doug- "ok, I will put your bagel and mine in the toaster after I get the girls dressed"

Kamala- "thanks"

Doug gets Isabella changed and dressed, and then he puts her in her bassinet in the family room, while he puts Kamala's bagel and his bagel in the toaster, and Alexis is in her swing in the family room. 


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