Meena and Maya Babysitting part 2

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Meena leaves and goes to Target.

Maya comes out in the family room to tell Kamala that Alexis didn't cry when she comes to put Alexis in her pack n play, when she does she sees, Kamala asleep in the recliner, Doug's asleep on the couch, Isabella is asleep in her pack n play, and she puts Alexis in her pack n play, and she goes in the other recliner and watches tv.

45 minutes later...

Meena comes back from Target and everyone is asleep, including Maya. Meena puts the stuff Kamala wanted on the counter, and she goes to check on the babies who are asleep as well.

Meena goes into Isabella and Alexis' room first to check on Leela, she's asleep in Alexis' crib, then comes back into the family room, and she checks on the Alexis and Isabella and Isabella is awake, so Meena picks her "Isabella, since your the only one who is up, I'm going to read you the book I wrote about your Auntie and Mommy when they were kids.

Meena and Isabella go and sit on the love seat, and she has Isabella all wrapped up in a blanket that she got from the back of the couch.

Isabella's blanket she's wrapped up in

Meena and Isabella are on the love seat, and Meena starts reading the book called Kamala and Maya's big Idea "Isabella, I wrote this book it's all about your mommy and Auntie Maya, My mom, I know your only 3 days old and don't understand much yet,...

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Meena and Isabella are on the love seat, and Meena starts reading the book called Kamala and Maya's big Idea "Isabella, I wrote this book it's all about your mommy and Auntie Maya, My mom, I know your only 3 days old and don't understand much yet, but I'm going to read it to you, your cousins Amara and Leela love when they have books read to them, I know they are older then you"

Kamala wakes up a few minutes later... and walks over to the love seat and sits down next to Meena. "Hey Meena, when did you get back"?

Meena- "Auntie, did you have a nice nap, Isabella and I were reading the book I wrote about when you and my mom were kids"

Kamala- "I did, how long has Isabella been up"

Meena- "10 minutes maybe, when I came back from Target, you, Doug, My mom, and all of the babies were sound asleep, I put the diapers on the counter, I didn't know where else you wanted them"

Kamala- "that's okay, one bag will stay in here and then the other will go in Isabella and Alexis' room, under their changing table on the shelf there, along the box of wipes"

Meena- "how are you feeling Auntie"

Kamala- "I'm sore, tender, not sleeping but other wise I'm good, I'm trying to nurse them at the same time, so I know who nurses when and which side, but don't always happen that way"

Meena- "as long as they are eating and gaining weigh that's all that counts, like Dr. Robbins said, even though Alexis and Isabella are identical, they may want to nurse at different times, or separately"

Kamala- "you're right, I'm hungry"

Meena- "what would you like, I will make it for you"

Kamala- "Greek salad, with chicken tenders and steamed pita and water to drink"

Meena- "okay, I will make it for you"

Kamala- "thanks, let me hold Isabella"

Meena- "of course, I miss holding a newborn, Leela's 9 months she doesn't like to be held much, except when she's nursing or she's tired, otherwise she's too busy crawling and trying to figure out stuff"

Meena gives Isabella to Kamala to hold "there's one of mommy's princesses"

Kamala- "when you want to hold a newborn, I have two of them"

Meena- "yes you do, do you have a carrier that you wear so your hands are free"

Kamala- "I actually have 2 of them, one is for one baby, and then I have a twin carrier, that I can wear, how do I even put it on"

Meena- "after you have your salad, I will help you, I wear mine a lot I have a different one then you do, because Leela is older, and weighs more"

Kamala- "thanks, we have to be quiet, Dougie, Alexis, Maya are still napping"

Meena- "Auntie, your salad is ready, can I hold Isabella while you eat"

Kamala- "of course, thank you for my salad"

A few minutes later, while Kamala is eating her salad, Isabella is trying to nurse on Meena's shoulder"

Meena- "Auntie, I think Isabella wants you, she's trying to nurse on my shoulder"

Kamala- "let me have her, I know what she wants, and it's not your shoulder"

Meena- "Isabella, I know what you want and Momala's right here, Auntie, here's your pillow"

Kamala- "thanks, I will finish my salad when Isabella's done with her snack, hopefully before Alexis wants her snack"

Kamala unsnaps her tank top and Isabella latches on and starts nursing.

Doug wakes up a few minutes later "Honey when did you get up" gives Kamala a kiss

Kamala- "1/2 hour ago, you were sound asleep, so was Maya, and Alexis, and a few minutes ago Isabella was trying to nurse on Meena's shoulder"

Doug- "when I got up I checked on Alexis and she's sound asleep, but I think she will probably be up soon for dinner, since Isabella is having her dinner now"

Meena- "Doug, what would you like dinner"

Doug- "what ever Kam is having"

Meena- "Okay, I will make you a greek salad, then would you like chicken in it like Auntie has with a steamed pita."

Doug- "yes please"

Kamala- "I will finish my salad when Isabella is done with her dinner"

Doug- "okay, I hear Alexis, she's up, and I smell cupcakes" Kamala giggles "It's not Isabella, my hand not warm yet"

Alexis decides she wants to show her mommy & daddy how good her lungs are

Doug- "Princess, daddy hears you and he's coming to get you, I know that's your I'm hungry cry, but before you can eat you gotta get changed"

Doug gets up from the loveseat and goes and gets Alexis out of her bassinet and lays her down on her changing pad and changes her diaper. Then he gives Alexis to Kamala so she can feed her. 

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