Lunch with Grandma part 3

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I would like to thank KamalalovezDoug 4 her help with writing this

Lexie doesn't want it and she drops it, and she looks like she's going to cry. "Lexie, it's okay Grandma has you" and she's rubbing her back trying to comfort her. Lexie is rubbing her eyes and opening her mouth while looking at Shamalya. "Lexie I think you want Mommy, Grandma doesn't have any milk"

Kamala- "Mommy, she may want more milk, I know she's tired, the last time they got their 2 month shots, she wanted to nurse more then usual"

Kamala gets up from the table and goes and sits in her recliner and she has her pillow, let me have her"

Shamalya gives Lexie to Kamala.

Kamala lays Lexie on her pillow and she unsnaps her tank top and Lexie latches on and starts nursing. "Kamala, I guess she was hungry, look at her go"

Kamala- "Mommy, she nursed on the left side when we got back from their checkup, when I tried to switch sides right before you came, she didn't want it, even when I tried to help her latch on, which they usually don't need help"

Bella wakes up and she starts crying.

Doug gets up from the table and picks Bella up from the pack n play and tries to comfort her. "Bella Bear, I know your not feeling well, you're warm, Daddy's going to take your temperature"

Shamalya- "Doug I have the thermometer and the baby Tylenol, I saw Kam put it on the counter next to the coffee maker"

Kamala- "Dougie, what is Bella's temperature"?
Doug- "I'm taking it now, her cheeks are red"

Shamalya- "Doug you hold Bella, I will take her temp"

Doug holds Bella and Shamalya takes her temp, "100.3, she needs some Tylenol"

Doug- "Bella Bear, Daddy's going to give you some Tylenol and then hold you, while Grandma gives you some Tylenol"

Shamalya opens the bottle and puts 2.5ml in the dropper, "Bella open your mouth for Grandma this will make you feel better"

Bella opens her mouth and Shamalya puts the dropper with the Tylenol in her mouth and pushes the button and Bella swallows it. "Good girl Bella"

Doug- "Bella, I know that cry you're hungry,  Daddy doesn't have any milk but Mommy does"

Kamala looks and Lexie has unlatched, and she puts the burp cloth on her shoulder and she rubs her back, and a few minutes later she burps a few minutes later and she spits up a little on the burp cloth. "That was a good burp Lexie"

Lexie rubs her eyes and lays on Kamala's shoulder, she puts her thumb in her mouth.

Kamala- "Honey, can you come and change Lexie, my hand is warm, and I smell cupcakes"

Doug- "of course, let's trade babies, Bella is hungry"

Kamala gives Lexie to Doug, and he gives her Bella.
Kamala lays Bella on her pillow and she unsnaps her tank top and Bella latches on and starts nursing.

Shamalya- "Kam, Bella's temp was 100.3"

Kamala- "Mommy thank you, I'm going to take Lexie's temp when she's done with her milk, her cheeks are red"

Shamalya- "they are red"

Kamala- "Mommy, thank you for being here, I know Lexie will show how she puts her toe in her mouth when she feels better"

Shamalya- "I know that, when you were their age, you put your right toe in your mouth 1st, then a few days later you put your left toe in"

Doug comes back a few minutes and he's holding Lexie and he has her pacifier in and he's holding her.

Kamala looks and she sees Bella is still nursing, "Honey, look Lexie's sound asleep on your shoulder, with her pacifier in, is that okay, I usually don't give it to them while they are sleeping"

Shamalya- "yes they can as long as they don't have the clips that attach to their shirts"

Kamala- "thank you Mommy"

Shamalya- "you're welcome, I'm going to go, you look like your ready for a nap"

Kamala- "I'm tired, as soon as Bella's done with her milk, and I take her temperature, and I put her down for her nap, I'm going to take a nap myself"

Shamalya- "I know Lexie and Bella will feel better soon"

Kamala- "yes they will, the last time they got their shots, their fevers only lasted till around bedtime and their legs were sore for a few days"

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 03, 2023 ⏰

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