Kamala's 6 week check up part 1

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~ 6 weeks later~  April 20th

*I want to thank KamalalovezDoug 4 her help with writing this*

Maya & Meena are over at Kamala and Doug's they are having lunch while Bella and Lexie are taking their naps, Doug is taking a nap.

Maya- "Sis, I know you have your checkup in a few days, I'm going to ask you if you would like Meena and I to babysit while you and Doug go to your checkup, and if you want to, leave me a few bottles of milk incase Bella & Lexie get hungry"

Kamala- "yes on babysitting, while Dougie and I go to my checkup, I'm not sure yet if I want to pump, that's our bonding time, and I'm not ready to give that up yet, and when I do decide to pump my milk, Dougie will be the 1st one to feed them their bottle."

Kamala is trying to hold back tears.

Maya- "Sis, when your ready, why don't you and Doug go to your beach house, I know you two are not quiet and you don't want to wake the babies up, I know this because before you and Doug got married, and Mommy was on a work trip, and you were at home, and I heard you two and saw you two doing it"

Kamala- "I know Maya, we will go to our beach house, but even though my checkup is in a few days, I don't know if I will be ready then, I will go on birth control though, I will have to find out which one I'm allowed to take because I'm nursing.  I'm definitely not ready for another baby yet, and I read that it will be really easy for me to get pregnant again, which I'm not ready for yet, I'm not even back to doing my work outs, and because I'm nursing, I can't even try to lose my baby weight, and I'm exhausted, all I want is sleep at the moment"

Maya- "have you thought of pumping your milk so that Doug can help you at night, and you get some sleep"

Kamala- "not yet, I don't want to, I know I would get more sleep but I would still be up every 2-3 hours to pump, so if I'm going to be up, I might as well just nurse them, It's our bonding time, I will get a pump, I don't know when yet, right now I'm not ready"

Maya- "There is nothing wrong with your body. Go at your own pace to lose weight and don't be ashamed. I'm sure Doug thinks you are really sexy either way. He would never not find you attractive just because you are not at your pre baby weight, I won't ask you anymore about pumping your milk, I see your about to start crying, I know your hormones are up and down you're a new Momala, what about when you go back to work, what are you going to do"

Kamala- "thank you, Jill said that she will bring Bella and Lexie to me when they are hungry, like she does with Jen with Mia."

Maya- "okay, so you got that part figured out"

Kamala- "we do"

Meena- "Auntie, I'm going to do the same as you, I started pumping when Amara started teething which was when she was 8 and half months old, and she was biting me, which hurt, nso I was doing both pumping and nursing, so when Leela starts teething and bites me, I will do the same as I did with Amara, who is ever with Leela in daycare brings her to me on the days I'm working and I feed her then I take her back to daycare."

Kamala- "they are 6 weeks old, I took 3 months off for maternity leave, and so did Dougie gets 12 weeks as well off,  we will go back on the on the same day.

Morning of Kamala's Checkup  7:45 am

Kamala and Doug are in the family room Kamala is in her recliner, and Lexie and Bella are nursing, "Dougie, Meena and Maya are coming over to babysit Bella and Lexie while we are at my checkup."

Doug- "ok, it's good timing that Bella and Lexie are having a snack now"

Kamala- "yes it is, we have to leave in an hour, and then I want to come home right after my checkup, If I do get cleared today, I'm not ready, maybe in a few days, when I'm ready I will tell you once Dr. Grey says I'm healed"

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