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I would like to thank KamalalovezDoug 4 her help with writing this

Doug puts the burp cloth on his shoulder, and he lays Lexie on his shoulder, and he rubs her back and she burps she also spits up a little bit, and Doug wipes her mouth, "that was a good burp Lexie"

Kamala looks and she sees that Bella has unlatched, she snaps her tank top and she puts the burp cloth on her shoulder and rubs her back and a few minutes later Bella burps and she also spits up a little bit and Kamala wipes her mouth, "that was a good burp Bella"

Doug- "do you want to help make dinner"

Kamala- "yes, let me wash my hands, I want to try and put Bella in the carrier that I wear, she hasn't decided do I want to nap or do I want to look around"

Kamala gets the carrier that is next to her recliner, "Dougie, can you watch Bella, so I can put my carrier on"

Doug- "of course"

Kamala lays Bella on the couch and she gives her a rattle to hold, and she puts on the carrier and then she picks Bella up and she puts her in her carrier, Bella puts her thumb in her mouth while she's laying on Kamala's chest. "Dougie, let me have Lexie, I have the twin carrier on, I will hold Lexie too, while we are in the kitchen"

Doug- "okay, here's Lexie, and I think Bella likes it now, she's not crying, and before when we put her in she was already crying as soon as you put her in"

Kamala- "you're right, Hi Lexie, I know you like when you get to be in the carrier that Mommy and Daddy wear"

Lexie smiles

Doug gives Lexie to Kamala and she puts her in the carrier and Lexie lays on Kamala's shoulder, and she puts her thumb in her mouth.

Carrier that Kamala is wearing

Carrier that Kamala is wearing

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~At Maya and Meena's~

Amara- "Mommy, wo dhad"

Meena- "Amara, this is Auntie, Mommy, and Nana's friend Christina, she lives in San Francisco, where Auntie and Nana lived when they were kids"

Amara- "Hi"

Christina- "Hi, I've known your Auntie, and your Nana since we were in law school, but I don't get to see her that much now that she lives in LA"

Amara- "Mommy, Elmo"

Meena- "I will put sesame street on for you, why don't you ask Christina if she wants to watch with you, I have to get Leela out of her pack n play and change her diaper"

Christina- "yes I will watch Sesame Street with you, who is your favorite"

Amara- "cookie monsdew"

Christina- "that's one of my nieces favorite too, I have two nieces Amara, one is the same age as you, her name is Abby, and her sister is 4 months old and her name is Ashley."

Amara- "Baby, and Baby Auntie"

Christina- "yes like Auntie, but her babies are younger then my nieces"

Meena- "Amara, can you please get Mommy a diaper and the wipes, for you and Leela, you need to be changed"
Amara gets up from her couch, and goes over to the bucket which has her diapers and Leela's diapers in them and she brings them to Meena.

Christina- "Meena, would you like me to help you"

Meena- "yes please"

Christina- "Meena, who would you like me to change?"

Meena- "Leela, she wiggles less then Amara does"

Christina lays Leela down on the changing pad which is on the floor and she changes Leela's diaper, and cleans her with the baby wipes, and then she puts on a clean diaper, and then she snaps Leela's onesie and puts her pants back on, then she puts the wet diaper in the diaper genie and then she washes her hands with the baby wipes.

Meena changes Amara's diaper and she puts Amara's dirty diaper in the diaper genie, and washes her hands with the baby wipes.

Christina- "Meena, have you started potty training with Amara"

Meena- "not yet, she's still waking up wet from her naps, and in the morning, but hopefully soon, she really don't like getting changed"

Christina- "has she said anything about being interested in potty training"

Meena- "not yet, but when she does we will start"

~At Kamala and Doug's~

Kamala and Doug are in the kitchen, and they are making garlic bread for dinner, "I think Bella likes to be in the carrier now that your wearing"

Kamala- "Maybe, I'm not sure though, Lexie is sound asleep with her thumb in her mouth, on my chest though, but Lexie loves to be in her carrier"

Doug- "Bella is sound asleep too with her thumb in her mouth, stand still let me take a pic and I will show you"

Kamala- "let me finish making the garlic bread, then I gotta sit down, holding both babies in the carrier is hurting my back, I will watch you make the spaghetti though"

Doug takes the picture of Kamala wearing the carrier with both Lexie and Bella in it. "My 3 girls who I love so much" Doug gives Kamala a kiss.

Kamala- "I love you, Lexie, and Bella more then you know"

Doug- "I just put the garlic bread in the oven"

Kamala- "thanks Babe, I'm going to go and sit down, on the couch, while the babies are asleep in the carrier"

Doug- "I'm going to come with you"

Kamala and Doug go into the family room and sit on the couch, "thank you for letting us having dinner tonight just us and Lexie and Bella"

Doug- "you're welcome, I knew you were exhausted, and you wanted to relax tonight"

Kamala yawns

Doug- "someone is sleepy"

Kamala- "I am, but if I move Lexie and Bella will wake up, and we really don't want to do that"

Doug- "no we don't, let me rub your feet, put them on my lap"

Kamala- "aww thank you"

Kamala puts her legs on Doug's lap and he rubs her feet and her legs. "That feels so good, after dinner, after the girls are in bed, I'm going to take a bubble bath, with my adorable hubby to relax, and maybe I can get a back rub"

Doug- "of course you can, the timer just went off, the garlic bread is done, I'm going to and warm up the pasta, I cooked it while the spaghetti sauce, do you want eat here or at the table, while you were making the garlic bread I made the noodles"

Kamala- "here please, I just put Bella on my shoulder, I could tell she wasn't happy being in the carrier, she looked like she was going to start crying, and I don't want her to wake Lexie up"

Doug- "okay, I will bring you a plate, what would you like to drink"

Kamala- "diet coke please"

Kamala and Doug's big surpriseWhere stories live. Discover now