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Kamala and Doug- "thank you"

Kamala- "Lexie, Bella, it's okay, we are back on the ground"

Robin- "Kamala, Doug, you can pick them up now while we are taxiing to the taxiway"

Kamala unbuckles her seatbelt and she unbuckles Lexie's seatbelt and picks her up and is rubbing her back, trying to comfort her. "It's okay Lexie, I know your ears have to be hurting you were so good on the plane, Mommy's going to give you some Tylenol, it will make your ears feel better"

Kamala gets the Tylenol from her purse, and she puts 1.25 ml in the dropper, Kamala takes the dropper and puts it in Lexie's mouth, "that's a good girl, now we are going to put your pacifier back in, and Mommy's going to hold you"

Kamala puts 1.25ml back in the dropper "Dougie, here give this to Bella and then put her pacifier back in, and hold her"

Kamala gives the dropper to Doug.

Doug- "Bella, I know your ears are hurting, this will make you feel better, and then we are going to put your pacifier back in"

Kamala is holding Lexie, and walking with her trying to comfort her, and she trying to touch her ears. Kamala takes off Lexie's headphones and Doug takes off Bella's.

Robin has the door open now to the plane, and the baggage people are at the bottom of the plane. "Kamala, do you have your keys, since I see your jeep is outside the hanger"

Kamala- "Dougie, can you get my keys they are in the front pocket of the diaper bag and open the trunk"

Doug get Kamala's keys from the diaper bag and unlocks the trunk, "Robin it's unlocked, I'm going to help unload the luggage"

Jeff comes on the plane "Doug, thank you for unlocking the trunk, and welcome home"

Doug- "Thanks"
Kamala- "Lexie it's okay, we are home, I know your not feeling well, when we get home, it's nap time"

Jeff- "I wanted to tell everyone welcome home, and who is this"

Kamala- "Jeff, this is my friend Christina, she came back with us for a few days, I've known her since I was in law school, she's a lawyer for the Giants"

Christina- "Hi"

Jeff- "the Dodgers are a better team"

Kamala- "Christina, I told you he was going to say that, and the Giants are better, at least we have won a championship"

Christina- "you did"

Jeff- "I'm going to help Alex load the luggage into the car, I see Lexie and Bella are not happy"

Kamala- "no they aren't, they both are not feeling well, they need a nap, it's past their nap time"

Jeff walks down the steps of the plane to help load the luggage

Alex- "Jeff, this is the last piece of luggage, which is the stroller, do you know if they want it open to put the babies in"

Jeff- "no keep it folded"

Kamala- "Dougie, are you ready, when we get home, I know two little girls who are going to bed"

Doug- "me too"

Jeff comes back on the plane, Kamala, the luggage is all loaded"

Kamala- "Jeff, thank you for everything this weekend, the plane, etc"

Jeff- "you're welcome, anytime you want to use the plane and I'm not using it, you can"

Doug- "thanks, I have Bella's car seat and the diaper bag"

Christina- "Kamala, would you like me to carry your purse since you have Lexie's car seat"

Kamala- "yes please, Lexie, Bella, we are going home now"

Kamala unbuckles Lexie's car seat from the seat and picks up her carrier.

Christina- "I have the base to the two car seats, Doug just take Bella"

Doug- "thanks"

Christina takes both bases to the car seats and she goes down the steps of the plane and buckles them onto the back seat of Kamala's jeep.

Kamala- "Dougie, are you ready to go home"

Doug- "yes, I'm ready, you look like your ready for a nap"

Kamala- "I am, when we get home, I'm going to lay on the couch, after I take off Lexie and Bella's diaper while they are in their bassinets"

Doug- "okay, Christina said she's making dinner, do you want me to drive home or do you"

Kamala yawns "you can I'm exhausted"

Doug- "okay"

Doug walks down the steps of the plane with Bella in her carrier, Kamala picks up Lexie's car seat and she walks down the steps next.

Kamala puts Lexie's car seat in the base, "Christina thank you for buckling them in"

Christina- "you're welcome, do you want to sit with them or with Doug in the front"

Kamala- "I will sit with them, Dougie's going to drive home"

Doug gets in the driver seat and he buckles up and drives home.

~15 minutes later~ 5:00 pm

Kamala, Doug, Lexie, Bella, and Christina at at Kamala and Doug's house.

Doug parks Kamala's jeep in the driveway, and he gets out 1st and opens the door for Kamala.

Lexie and Bella decided that they were hungry, and they let their mommy and daddy know how good their lungs are.

Kamala- "Lexie, Bella, I know your hungry, let me unbuckle you and as soon we get inside, you will have your milk"

Doug- "Babe, let me unbuckle Bella from her car seat, while you unbuckle Lexie"

Kamala- "I already got her unbuckled"

Christina- "Kamala, Doug, you get the babies settled, and I will start to bring in the luggage"

Kamala- "thanks"

Doug opens the door wall and he has Bella in his arms, Kamala's holding Lexie, "Lexie I know your hungry, let Mommy sit down in her recliner, and get her pillow, then you and Bella can have all of the milk you want"

Doug- "we have 2 very hungry girls"

Kamala- "we do and one who needs a nap"

Kamala sits down in her recliner and puts the foot rest up, and Doug gives her pillow, and she unsnaps her tank top and lays Lexie on the left side of her pillow and Lexie latches on and starts nursing, Doug gives her Bella and she lays her on the right side of her pillow and Bella latches on and starts nursing. "Much better, I was hurting"

Doug- "I'm going to help Christina bring in the luggage, then I will be back"

Kamala- "okay"

Doug goes back outside and helps Christina bring in the luggage

Christina- "Doug, where do the pack n plays go, and the stroller"

Doug- "the pack n plays go in the family room, and the stroller stays in the back of the jeep"

Christina- "okay, I will put the stroller back in the jeep, I will take one pack n play, and you take one"

Doug- "okay, I know after we unload the car, Kamala's going to take a nap, and so are the babies, and me too, unless you want me to go and get dinner"

Christina- "you take a nap, I know your exhausted, I want to make dinner, do you have any chicken tenders, I will make Kamala's favorite stir fry which is chicken and veggies"

Doug- "I think so, but I'm not sure I will check after we bring in the luggage"

Christina- "okay"

Christina and Doug bring the luggage into the family room, and he takes the pack n plays out of their case and opens them up. "

Kamala and Doug's big surpriseWhere stories live. Discover now