Surprise for Meena and Maya part 4

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I would like to thank KamalalovezDoug 4 her help with writing this

Kamala- "yes it is, if you want to put them in their drawers you can, hang up their shirts, and their pants, their onesies go in the top drawer of their dresser in their room"

Christina- "okay, I will"

Kamala-  "thanks"

Kamala gets up from the couch and puts her and Doug's clothes away that she took out of the luggage, and she turns on the monitor on that's in the family room, and she takes the portable one with her, into her and Doug's room so she can see Lexie and Bella, while she's in her and Doug's room.

Kamala almost done hanging up Doug's shirts when she sees on the monitor that Lexie is cooing, "Momala's coming Lexie"

Kamala lays the rest of the clothes on their bed and she takes the monitor and goes into the family room. Kamala walks over to the pack n play and she sees Lexie is up, and lays her under the baby play gym which is on the floor on her blanket. "Did you have a good nap Lexie"

Lexie babbles and smiles and stretches her arms out to reach a toy and she does. "That's my girl, I knew you could do it"

Doug comes into the family room a few minutes later carrying the bags he got while grocery shopping, Christina is helping him. He walks over to where Kamala is sitting on the floor with Lexie and he gives her a kiss, and he also gives a kiss on her head.

Doug- "where's Bella"
Kamala- "sound asleep in her pack n play, I was putting our clothes away and I had the monitor with me, in our room, and I heard Lexie babbling, so I just left our clothes on our bed and came and got her out of her pack n play so she wouldn't wake Bella up"

Christina- "Doug, I will put the groceries away, I know you want to see Lexie, and Bella"

Doug- "thanks, I see Bella is up"

Kamala- "pick her up before she starts crying"

Doug picks Bella up and lays her on the blanket on her tummy for tummy time. "Bella, did you have a nice nap"

Bella smiles and babbles

Lexie is next to Kamala on her tummy when she looks up at Kamala.

Kamala- "I know what you want Lexie"

Kamala picks Lexie up from the floor and she goes to sit in her recliner,  she takes her pillow which is on the couch, "Lexie, will you let Mommy unsnap her tank top, then you can have all the milk you want, I know your hungry"

Kamala unsnaps her tank top and lays Lexie on her pillow and Lexie latches on and starts nursing.

Doug- "wow, look at Lexie go"

Kamala- "she's hungry, and I was starting to hurt, look at Bella she's kicking her feet, on her baby play gym"

Christina- "Kamala, do you want me to go in the other room, I saw Maya get out of her car"

Kamala- "if you want to, or you stay and Maya will be surprised"

Christina- "how about I come in a few minutes, I want to go and get the gift I brought for her and Meena"

Kamala- "okay"

Christina leaves. Maya comes into the family room and Bella sees her and she smiles.

Maya- "Hey Sis, Lexie, Bella, Doug, I think Lexie is having a snack"

Kamala- "Hey, how was work, and yes she is, she just started a few minutes ago, she was doing tummy time and she kept looking at me like Mommy I want milk"

Doug- "Bella, you want Auntie to hold you"

Bella smiles and babbles

Doug picks Bella up from the floor and gives her to Maya. "Hi Bella, you're so adorable, and you have something sparkling in your ears!"

Kamala and Doug's big surpriseWhere stories live. Discover now