Our girl

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Aoife looked at her five-year-old daughter smiling

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Aoife looked at her five-year-old daughter smiling. " Azul! Today is the day for your gift." She hummed toward her daughter smiling at the little pink skirt and the green puffed shirt.

Azul was a pretty little girl she had a fair dark skin tone relating more to her mother her hair a brown her eyes a dark green, though for some reason she was sad she didn't like her nose. How it had a huge birthmark on it too made all the attention go to her noise.

" Momma, can we cover my nose up?" The little girl spoke making making Aoife frown her eyebrows bunching up as she sat down on the sand her green skirt getting touched as her pink shirt stayed sit her hair in her signature Afro.

" And why would you want that my blue bird?" She questioned wondering if Alma was telling her daughter anything slightly as she let her daughter lay on her lap.

" abuela said it didn't look ok." She spoke as she pushed her face into her mom skirts. Aoife huffed slightly at the idea her mother in law though she had the right to speak in her daughter.

" Azul that birthmark was the signature you and your dad gave it looks like a big heart to show our big love just for you." She lifted her daughters head giving her a big kiss on her nose making the girl scrunch her nose up slightly giving a giggle.

" Momma" she giggled her eyes held closed as her hands hurried up slightly in laughter.

" Your our best art piece" she smiled enveloping her daughter in a hug. " our little art piece" she commented again to show the girl her meaning.

" Azul! Aoife! I'm back!" He shouted going to his wife and daughter in a sand bind they had created for her.

" Padre is home!" This made her daughter jump up quickly from the sand bin slightly slipping as her black flats had no grip on the slipper surface.

" blue bird! I'm home!" He spoke softly as he saw the girl run to him slightly as he gave a nervous smile toward her.

" Padre!!" She shouted as she stood in front of him her arms reached up as Bruno picked her up by her arms. Still looking at her as she let her feet run in the air.

" Aoife how do I pick her up again." He spoke toward his wife making the woman giggle.

" Bruno you've been a dad for five years." She spoke getting up from the sand bin the sand toppling off of her as she walked toward her daughter and him. " she likes sitting on your hip, just move her toward.." her daughter wrapped her legs around Bruno's mid section smiling as she gave her father a kiss on his check.

" There we go!" Aoife spoke as she gave Bruno a kiss humming into it as their daughter giggled.

" Stop!! Yucky momma and padre!" She giggled out toward them.

They both shared looks with than showered their daughter in kisses.

" yucky Azul!" They hummed

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