Happy Birthday

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Aoife remembered the date smiling as she quickly got out of bed her attire was pink

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Aoife remembered the date smiling as she quickly got out of bed her attire was pink. Her dress a pink with white hourglasses sewed into the bottom of the dress and her sleeves with small white dots.

She was the only one who woke as she softly took out Bruno's plate placing a piece of cake on it a little as a small cupcake as she smiled toward herself.

" Happy Birthday Bruno-" it was cut off by a yawn as she noticed Dolores standing by her as she tilted her head at the eleven-year-old.

" Happy birthday" the young girl whispered as she took Aoifes' hand.

" Can I play in the sandbox in your room Auntie A?" the woman only nodded to walk away.

The next same day Aoife got up again to remember she never put the cupcake away yet it wasn't there. Nothing, not a single speck as if anything had happened to the cake making the woman hum thinking Camilo had eaten it. She had to talk about the boy to Pepa he had a huge appetite made her wonder if Felix's genes kicked in.

" so you are the cake!" The woman spoke loudly as she looked at Bruno who gave a shy nod.

" It was one of your best cakes Paloma" he hummed as the woman smiled before he got up making the woman sweep her head at him in confusion.

" I'll be right back hood onto Teresa and Jimbo." He hummed placing the rants down in the woman's hands as she gave a soft giggle at his antics as he kissed her nose. " I promise I'll be back" and he was gone his cloak wrapped on him as Aoife finally took time to study his area, he never left...he stayed here for his family she could see his little plates of food. Though what made her eyes twinkle is how he had some yarn as she smiled she noticed he was the one taking her yarn.

" Bruno I'm going to beat you when you come back because that yarn was half a leg" she spoke through a smile as she allowed her eyes to follow the yarn to see a blanket...it was pink and green how the colors mixed. It wasn't the best blanket ever no it had the biggest gaps on it yet. The pattern was big hearts a green half and a pink half her whole heart exploded.

Until Aoife saw Bruno come in with a very conflicted Maribel.

Her eyes lit up as she saw her aunt who smiled looking at the girl her hand coming up to her cheek. " There you go"

" I should say the same for you and Tío Bruno" quickly somewhat moved away from her as she placed the pieces of Brunos vision down on the table.

"Knock, knock, knock, knock, knock. Knock on wood" Bruno chanted as his knuckles cracked in the wood making Maribel look at Aoife with a small smile as she saw the man going on around her.

"That's your Tío"

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