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Aoife was done talking with Pepa as she walked out coming close to Alma door as she saw how Maribel was placing Papel picados down by her door until one of the candles fell on it coming to ablaze as Aoifes face grew quickly as she ran the Casita p...

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Aoife was done talking with Pepa as she walked out coming close to Alma door as she saw how Maribel was placing Papel picados down by her door until one of the candles fell on it coming to ablaze as Aoifes face grew quickly as she ran the Casita pushing her forward quickly to get toward her niece.

She took off her sash quickly dropping it on the floor making quick steps on it as she tried her best for it to die down.

" Auntie?" Mirabel gasped out as Aoife just smiled at her niece.

" I smelled it and I was running as quick as I could, did you make one for Bruno and Mes' room?" She hummed as the girl smiled.

" Yes, I did-"

Though everything was cut short when Alma walked up as she noticed the ashes on the ground by her door.

" Mirabel, I know you want to help. But tonight must go perfectly. The whole town relies on our family, on our Gifts. So, the best way for some of us to help is to step aside. Let the rest of the family do what they do best. Okay?" Alma spoke a strained smile placed on her lips as she looked at the girl on the floor.

" And why wouldn't we help?" Aoife countered going in front of the girl. " we are doing whatever one is doing and that's helping"

" Aoife, you can't keep blaming me for Bruno-"

" This has nothing to do with Bruno! I am doing what is right, and how you treat Maribel is not right. Your old right? Then you should know this shouldn't repeat." She urged the words out as her eyes squinted toward the woman who stood silent.

" Today needs to be perfect"

" Antonio!" People had shouted making Mirabel look around trying to find the boy walking all around. With Aoife on her trail as the woman pushed forward through the guest who cluttered the hallways.

Until she looked at the nursery door, saw the door crack the pushed it open walking about she slowly rested on the bed.

" Everyone is looking for you" she spoke loudly as she started at Nothing Aoife just watched when she noticed what was in her hands making the woman smile.

"This present will self-destruct if you don't take it in three, two, one... Oh," she chuckled softly as Antonio took the tiger from Maribel's hands quickly holding it close.

"Nervous?" She hummed softly as he gave a quick nod until he looked out the door seeing Aoife.

" Tía?" He questioned wondering if it was Camilo trying one of his tricks. Though Aoife walked into the room sitting on the floor of the nursery.

" you have nothing to worry about meil, you'll get your gift. And how do I know?" She spoke smiling at the boy as he nodded.

" because it will be just as special as you are." Quickly she pulled the boy up in a hug lifting him as he squealed softly.

" Come on Mirabel it's a Niece and Nephew round-up!"

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