Bab 8.1

364 37 3

The Villa of Chen, Bukit Tunku, Kuala Lumpur 11:25PM

He cute. Cute cute. Very cute.

He looks innocent. Like a white canvas an artist will use to draw something on it. I wonder if he ever got someone to 'draw' on him before.

Tadi masa dia tanya kalau aku ada girlfriend ke tak, aku sendiri clueless nak jawab apa. Takkan nak direct cakap aku tak suka perempuan kut. I mean, no one ever knows about that kut. Like literally takde siapa.

I like him when he nods, and he nods a lot. Maybe that's what make him even cuter. Comelllll sangat!

"Zii Jia!" Kakakku, Catherine menjengul di muka pintu. By the way semua perbualan kami dalam bahagian ini all in Mandarin n Cantonese. "Laparlah."

"Bukan Mama dah masak ke dinner tadi?"

"I don't think I want to eat that. Jom keluar."

"Where? Mamak?"

"No... McDlah."

"I thought you hate late night McD?"

"No choice maa. Comelah. I siap first."

"Canlah. You belanja tau."

"Esok you off eh?"

Aku mengangguk. Kemudian laju menggeleng. "Evening shift."

"I see. Haa siaplah cepat!"

Aku pun bangun dan menukar tank top aku kepada hoodie berwarna kelabu dan shorts berwarna biru muda. Sempat aku sikat rambut dulu semuanya dan bila aku dah keluar bilik, ingatkan Catherine dah siap. Takde maknanya.

Aku menegur Mama yang sedang mengait baju di ruang tamu.

"Where are you going?"

"McD with Liling."

"So late also want to go out ah?"

"What? We both tua already lor? Think you still young is it?"

"See? Whenever I say something, always want to talk back."

Banyak bebel pula Mrs. Chen malam ni.

"Okey, Zii Jia! Dah siap?"

"Dah lama siap. Kau yang lambat."

"Okey, let's go!"

"Be careful, two of you."

"Yes, Mrs. Celeste Chen." Aku dan Catherine menjawab serentak.

For most of the time if aku dengan Catherine hangout, she will do the driving. Also sebab kereta dia fancy lagi daripada aku. Like she drives a fucking Porsche kut.

Sampai di McD, Catherine pergi memesan makanan dan aku pula mencari tempat duduk. Saja aku pilih tempat yang tak aircond sebab aku nak smoke dan aku believe Catherine pun nak smoke jugak. Yeah, it runs in the family.

Catherine kemudiannya sampai dengan makanan yang dipesan dan macam aku kata, sebelum makan dia bawak keluar pod dulu. Aku tak tahulah tapi aku tak boleh vibe langsung dengan e-cigs macam tu. Rasa tak feel.

"Kau stress ke?" Aku bertanya kepada dia selepas aku perasan dia termenung seketika.

Dia ketawa kecil sebelum mengambil satu fries dan dimasukkan ke dalam mulutnya. "A bit."

"About? I don't think work because you just got promoted few months ago."

"Not worklah. Entahlah. Feel a little bit lonely."

"Told you to find someone new but you still grieving over that idiot. See what does that sohai brings you?"

"I'm not grieving, okay."

"Then tell me why Ms. Catherine Chen Ai Liling choose to be single for almost two years already? Why would a daughter of Singapore's Most Beauty 1987 has to be stuck with someone who leave her for a spoiled brat?" Yes, Celeste Chen, formerly known as Celeste de Beauvoir Beauséjour is a French-Chinese Singaporean who won a beauty pageant in 1987, is indeed our mother. And she's also a lawyer so yeah double threat tak?

"How do you know his boyfriend is a spoiled brat?"

"Saw him at the airport few times. His face screams spoiled brat."

Catherine senyum sahaja. I know deep down she's hurt.

"Aku dengar abang kembar dia nak try kau?"

"Warna? Yes, he asked me out."

"By all means, avoid that family. Leaving him is the nicest thing you could liaise yourself dengan family setan tu."

"You really hate him, don't you?"

"Kau bodoh ke? Tak ingat ke how buruk you were crying back then masa mula-mula dia tinggal kau dulu."

"That was old Catherine. This new Catherine is empowered."

"Do you?"

"I am."

Aku malas hendak menambah lagi jadi aku main phone sajalah. Fikiranku kembali terbayang kepada Qasy. Kemudian aku terfikir sesuatu.

Aku follow both Jerlyn and James punya IG. Hmm...

Aku stalk Jerlyn punya following dengan followers dan aku check yang Qasy tak follow nor Jerlyn follow dia. So, aku proceed dengan James.

Bingo! He did!


And it doesn't take him long to followback aku. Maybe sebab dia fikir sebab aku manager dia jadi dia rasa obliged untuk follow back. Selepas dia followback, aku pun mula stalk satu persatu.

"Why are you smiling? I thought you have no girlfriend."

"Why? Cannot smile now is it?"

"Nolah babi! Just asking only."

"Not girlfriend." Future boyfriend , maybe? If dia pun suka lelaki.

"Walaoo! Then who lor?"

"So kepoh for what?!" Aku masih berlagak sombong.

Catherine hanya smirk sahaja. "Find someonelah, Zii Jia. You have face and all, why wait some more? Want someone fell from sky then only want to be in love ah?"

Hmm, we'll see howlah. If dia nak aku. If.

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