13. A Victory 🙌 and A Question ⁉️

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Song of the Chapter

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Song of the Chapter

Sentimental Lady by Bob Welch


I woke up this morning unable to move if you know what I mean.

I  mean I'm talking freaking hard as a rock.

Good Lord that picture of Sydney and her friends .😍

I can't get it out of my head.

That woman is gonna be the death of me.

But my stupid ass went and screwed it up by calling her my best friend.

My God.

There is no hope for me.

If I don't fix this shit someway somehow I'm gonna go ape shit crazy.

Damn.  I could just stay in bed the rest of the day and dwell on my ignorance but  I gotta go work these boys  hard today.

We still got a lot left to play for.

And I hope Sydney comes back soon.

The nurse has been missed more than she will ever know.


I woke the next  morning to an alarm going off on my phone.

"Damn" I muttered as I turned the alarm off.

I was hungover bigger than shit,

It's all fun and games until the next morning.

Good Lord.

I rose slowly from the bed .

Ivy has such a beautiful and spacious home that she was able to put each one of us in our own guest bedroom.

Modeling sure has been good to her .❤️

Anyway, as I said, I slowly got up ,made up the bed and headed toward the shower.

Under My Thumb (Zac Taylor/Joe Burrow) ✔️Where stories live. Discover now