31. Love At It's Finest ❤️

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Song of the Chapter

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Song of the Chapter

Look After You by the Fray


I awoke the next morning with Zaddy's arms around me.

I have to admit it's the best I have felt in a long time .

Not gonna lie at one point in the middle of the night I had woke up crying but he quickly soothed me back to sleep.

God bless him.

I don't really know where I would be without him right now.

I glanced over at Zac who was still sleeping peacefully.

I leaned over and kissed his cheek .

At that moment, he opened his eyes.

"Hey baby girl"

I smiled. "Hey. I didn't mean to wake you. I just wanted to kiss you"

"Well, I'm glad you did." He said,kissing my neck....making me giggle.

And then I frowned a little."I'm so sorry for waking you up last night."

"Don't be ,sweetheart. I'm just glad I could make you feel better."

"You definitely did." I said,smiling.

"Listen, Sydney. I want you to know I'm not at all happy with Joe about this whole  situation but I swear you don't know how happy I am to have you."

"Same" I said."I can't really hate Joe over this because you are making me so happy. I just hate that I wasn't good enough for him."

"Baby, listen to me." Zac said, "That is all on him. If he couldn't see what a wonderful woman he had then that's his fault. His loss is my gain."

I smiled and pulled him into a kiss.

"Ummmm " he moaned as our kiss became passionate. "So....how about round 2 this morning ,huh?"

"Eh" I said,teasing and rolling over to turn away.

"Ohhhh so that's how it is,huh? " he asked ,smirking as pulled me back over. "Gonna make me come and get ya,huh?"

Under My Thumb (Zac Taylor/Joe Burrow) ✔️Where stories live. Discover now