20. Dream A Little Dream 💭💤

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Song of the Chapter

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Song of the Chapter

Wildest Dreams by Taylor Swift


I remained leaned against the wall...still completely stunned.

The event that took place just moments ago has completely blown my mind.

How the hell has Coach Taylor went from telling me I was his best friend to wanting me?

And I mean REALLY wanting me.

I don't know how to feel about this.

The man is hot like I said ...I can't or won't deny it...but sweet Jesus...how strong he is coming on is leaving me with nothing but pure anxiety.

I quickly headed back to my office and quickly finished my paperwork.

Luckily I was almost finished before  I was summoned into  the so called room of passion.

Or so Coach Taylor thinks it is.

Damn, I can't believe this .

I momentarily thought about heading out while no one would see me.

But I can't do that to Joe and the boys.

They are ecstatic about this as they should be.

They have now put theirselves in a position to do even more great things.

So I should go celebrate with them.

So with that being said....I headed to the locker room.

I was still in a daze and couldn't shake my thoughts from what transpired earlier .

The first person I ran into was Cora.

"Hey, girl! Glad you could make it back down here." She said.

"Me too" I said,shakily.

"Are you okay?" She asked.

"Ummm" I said, nervously.

Under My Thumb (Zac Taylor/Joe Burrow) ✔️Where stories live. Discover now