Chapter 14: Forgiveness

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No one other than my father would be standing there. Him of all people, my blood nearly boiled as I clenched my hand tight, thinking back too the day he hurt me and my mother. 

"Andrew, I didn't think you'd be here..Jackson here are the keys to the office. I meant to give them too you."

Jackson took them and just went to busy himself.

"Daddy. Why has it been years? Years since you've talked to me or even gave me an I'm sorry."

He looked to the ground and just shrugged while holding himself up with his cane. Something in the back of my mind wanted to hit him but something stronger just told me not too. 

"I-I forgive you daddy. You lost your way and I'm sure your still trying to absolve your sins."

"Your right, I am trying. Everyday i-i tried to get in touch with with you..I picked up the phone and just as quick hung up. I even prayed that I'd find forgiveness in myself."


"I love you son. please take care of yourself."

My dad left me standing there thinking about something he should have done years ago. Jackson took my hand asking if I was alright.

"I'm fine, Jackson. I'm going to preach Sunday morning."


"You heard me...My daddy didn't have the guts to stand up in church in front of everyone and say what needs to be said. Sunday, you'll hear what i've wanted to say for years."

Jackson didn't question my motives and just helped me get things ready for Sunday, we cleaned the church; top to bottom in the heat of it all and re painted the outside all in the course of four days.


I enjoyed helping Andrew clean up the church and prepare his speech for Sunday. We had taken a little break and Jenny decided to come down for some lunch on her way back to Carols. 

"Hey, daddy..Andrew." she said stopping at the kitchen counter. I handed her a turkey sandwich and a bag of chips, she went to the table and slowly started to eat.

"Daddy. So you and it allot right?"

I nearly choked on the ice tea I was gulping down and just coughed a few times before giving my daughter a look. Jenny looked down and continued to eat her sandwich waving off the question.

"No. No Jenny your curious, ask away." 

"So, um when you guys are doing it-"

"Sex, Jennifer." I corrected her and pushed her further into the sex talk embarrassment.

"Right, sex. It's like quick? or really long.." Jenny trailed off.

"Depends. Why do you want to know?" I asked her.

Andrew gave me a look and took his leave as I sat down next to her.

"" I started to ask my daughter a pretty personal question and she just cut me off.

"Ew, dad no. I just wanted to know. Cus mom doesn't really tell me stuff." Jenny said blushing. I just gave her an oh and we finished out lunch. Andrew came to me with a smile.

"I finished it! I'm ready for Sunday."

Ready he was, that Sunday everyone gathered in the hot church and waited on Andrew, music played as Jenny, Carol and I made our way to the front.

"We're late for church of all things." Jenny and Carol shared a small giggle as I hushed them. The music stopped and Andrew stepped out in just plain normal clothes, he walked up to the podium and just smiled.

"Good morning everyone."

"Good morning." everyone said in unison.

"So, um I only have one question...why are you all dressed up in this hot church? God, doesn't care about the fancy clothes, as long as your not naked. Come in comfortable. But anyway you are here so i'm glad, you all know or knew my daddy at one point so I thank him for this church."

Everyone laughed a little getting comfortable, taking off jackets and such.

"I'm Andrew by the way. and well...I have a confession to make." he said taking the microphone down.

I uh ohed  in the back of my mind and just kept calm.

"Would you all forgive me? I've prayed to God about this several times. I've written it down. But I just have to tell y'all I'm Gay, I was an adult star, I've been tempted by the devil so many times and when I was ten I stole for the first time."

Everyone gasped a little but it all died down, some people got up and left.

"So, I'm asking you all and God yet again, would you forgive me? not for who I love or what I love because God is number one always. But for the sins I've kept with me."

A few Amens came and a clap or two. 

"God, will forgive me I know but what about all of you?" He asked again looking out into the small crowd. Carol stood and clapped.

"I forgive you." she said as everyone turned to look at her.

"Come on up here." Andrew said.

"Thank you, see everyone its easy to forgive." Andrew said and gave the microphone to carol

Carol took the microphone and started with a shaky voice.

"Would you all forgive me? I mean, I left my baby to run the streets. But she's grown up better than I could ever hope."

"We forgive you. right everyone."

People clapped and just praised Andrews way to bring the church together. Everyone at one point came up and asked for forgiveness. After church people stood around outside and talked with Andrew, he looked so much better and i'm glad to see people to accept him just as he is.

"Forgive me?" Andrew said, with a small frown.

"For what?" I asked

"For this." Andrew said leaning in and kissing me. Caught off guard I kissed back and heard shouts and whistles. 

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