Chapter 13~Something Blue

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The whole naked at the lake thing blew over as I continuted to stay with Jackson. 


He came in grinin and hiding something behind his back. I just gave him a playful look, while walking towards him. My gray t-shirt hanging losely in my hands.

"So you know, i've missed your birthdays."

"Yeah. so?"

He pulled out a sleeping mask, loooking feindishly at me. I thought maybe it was something naugty. Curse my mind its so unpure, the perverse things i've been thinking would surely drive me mad one day.

"Put it on and come with me."

Reluctant at first; I just did as I was told. He drove me someplace cool and smelled so sweet. I was dying to know if it was a bakery or perhaps some sort of flower shop. 

"Alright. open them."

I pulled the blindfild off and was temperaryly blinded by the suns harsh rays but soon I was face to face with my daddy's church. I know the baby blue paint and the old steps leading out back. The gaveyard was overgrown by wild flowers.

He pointed to a spot in the paneling there; etched into the wood.

~Andrew and Jackson forever.

"When did you find this?" I asked.

"About a year ago. Your old man asked me to help him move out everything in the church. He sold it..well to Kristy and her husband. They arent using I bought it. For you."

I was shocked. He bought back my entire childhood, just like that. 

"Thank you jackson bu-"

"Andrew?" A strong deep voice came to my ears. As I turned to face someone I thought i would have left behind years ago...

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