Chapter 1

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The whole Raizada Mansion was shining like a new bride. Persons inside their home was running on their toes getting the things done for the special day.

A lady of her late fifties was instructing everyone to look after the preparations.

' Arey Aarti beta '

Aarti turned - Ji Maa.

Dadi - Sit and relax beta.

Aarti smiled - I can't sit down relaxed Maa. Our chote is getting engaged tomorrow and Iam very excited about it.

Dadi laughed - Everything is Devi maiyaa's blessings. Let God bless us.

Aarti smiled.

Dadi - Waise Did you send the Engagement dress to Payal Bitiya ?

Aarti - Haan Maa. I have send those dress and jewelry morning itself.

Dadi - Everything is ready then. By the way when is Chote coming ? Tomorrow evening we have engagement and till now he hasn't reached home.

Aarti - I called him morning Maa. He told he is taking flight today. He will reach by morning.

Dadi smiled - Ok then. I will go to mandir. After all we need Devi maiyaa's blessings for our Arnav Bitwa and Payal Bitiya's engagement.

Aarti - Ok Maa. Go soon and come.

Dadi smiled and went to Mandir. Aarti smiled and started to see the preparations again, after all she wanted the best for her Son's engagement.

Five years Later -

It was a beautiful day in Darjeeling city, A beautiful lady of mid twenties was doing Pooja in Mandir. She then went inside her Kitchen and prepared a coffee. Pouring it in a cup she took that and walked towards a room.

On reaching the doorstep she stopped looking at the beautiful scene.

Covered in a thick quilt her Lovely Husband was sleeping in the middle of the bed. His strands messed and fell on his forehead making him more handsome.

She smiled and went inside, keeping the coffee cup aside she bend down and kissed his nose and caressed his messy hair.

' Arnav ji ' her sweet voice reached upto his ears.

Arnav - Five minutes Kushi.....

He turned and laid on her lap.

Kushi - Lazy bones. I know how much time it will take to your five minutes. Get up.

He whined - Kushi....

Kushi - Don't Kushi me. Get up. Otherwise you will be late for office.

He closed his eyes and laid on the bed stubborn to open his eyes.

Suddenly he woke up shrieking on the top of his voice. Kushi gasped covering her mouth and Arnav sat wiping his head in a try to lessen his pain.

Kushi broke into fits of laughter seeing his annoyed face. She turned to the other side to look at her one and half year old son Aarav clapping his hands in joy seeing he successfully woke his Dada up.

Kushi raised her hands in air and hi-fied with her little boy who started Hi-Fying continuously.

Arnav - Oh ho..... Enjoy enjoy..... Enjoy both of you at my expense. Don't know what pleasure this mother and son gets pulling my hair. If I become bald then you both are the reason.

Kushi smacked his arms - Liar.... When did I pulled your hair ?

Arnav wrapped his arms around her waist and pulled her near - Did you forget how much you pulled my hair yesterday night ? Hmm.....

He asked in his husky voice making her blush.

Smacking his hands - Stupid. Besharam insaan. Get up and get freshen up.

Arnav laughed kissing her red nose - Good Morning.

Lifting his son and placing him in his lap he kissed his chubby cheeks - Good Morning my boy.

He got excited and nibbled his cheeks making it wet with his baby saliva making sounds.

Arnav smiled upon one more beautiful morning of his life seeing his wife and son's smile.

Kushi lifted him and fed him his milk while Arnav took his coffee cup and sipped it watching his life lines smiling to each other.

He then got up and went inside the washroom to get freshen up. After his bath he wore his shirt and pants and went down to see Aarav playing with his toys sitting on the floor while Kushi was arranging the breakfast on the dining.

Arnav - Kushi..... Stop running. Why are you pressuring yourself like this ? You are going to spoil your health Kushi. We have people at home to help you with all this.

Kushi smiled and held his palms - Arnav ji.... Me running like this happens till you reach office. After that me and Aarav is going to rest only. And Biwi hoon aapki, if not you then for whom will I run ? And who is there for me other than you for who I will keep running.

Arnav kissed her forehead - You know how to shut my mouth. Isn't it ?

Kushi grinned - Yes I do....

Arnav smiled and was about to say something when he felt a tug on his pants. He looked down to see his Baby looking at him raising his head upwards. He bend down and picked him in his arms.

Arnav - Someone is in a very happy mood today it seems.

He tickled his little tummy earning his giggles in return.

Kushi - Oh ho.... You started again. Go and have breakfast. Unless it will get cold. Aarav come here Shona.

He jumped on his mother as soon as he heard her saying his name. Getting him in his arms she pulled him and sat with him on the table and had their breakfast.

After completing his breakfast Arnav stood up and picking his coat and other things he went towards his office.

Kushi smiled seeing his vanishing figure.

Kushi - Chalo Aarav. Let's go and have Bath. Come come come.....

Mother son duo went inside and started having their gala bathing time.

Hi friends. This story is dedicated to two of my Good friends.

Srithu machi this is for you. Sandhosama ?

Aashima this is for you also. You have asked me this story line.

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