Chapter 37

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Arnav and Kushi signed the next deal and they spent day and night in making it successful. That gave them the result too with a whooping profit. They paid the balance amount for their home and started the renovation and cleaning. And it took two weeks for the whole renovation process.

Conducting a small Pooja they have shifted their things. Kushi took a week off and herself arranged the things like before. Then on one auspicious day Arnav and Kushi entered the home back as the rightful owners.

Kushi was beyond happy. She never thought to getting back all this. All she wanted was a peaceful life with her father's beautiful memories. But Arnav had took efforts to make it possible.

He has taken efforts to give her everything like a good Husband. They settled on their home and started leading their life happily.

It was one fine day when Kushi was walking through the corridor of her office with Arnav when she felt everything getting blue first. Slowly she lost it and was about to fell but Arnav caught her safe in his arms.

Arnav got panicked - Kushi..... Kushi open your eyes. Kushi.....

He patted her cheeks but no response came from her end. Thankgod it was lunch time and no one was there to create scene. He carried her in his arms and went to Hospital immediately. She moaned and murmured something making him tense even more possible.

On reaching the hospital he again lifted her in his arms and reached the emergency ward.

Doctors began checking her and shifted her to normal ward after conducting few tests.

Arnav sat beside her holding her hands in his and caressing her hair. After an hour, Slowly she opened her eyes and sat holding her head.

Arnav - Kushi you woke up ?

Kushi scrunched her eyes in confusion seeing the different surroundings.

Kushi - Arnav ji.... Where are we ?

Arnav - You fell unconscious Jaan. So we are in hospital. And Iam angry on you.

Kushi - Why ?

Arnav - You are sick and didn't even find it necessary to tell me anything right ?

Kushi smiled holding his hands - Arnav ji.... Iam alright. Nothing happened to me. And I was not sick.

Arnav - Let doctor say that. You keep silent and lay down. You need rest.

Kushi - I was ok only..... Sachi.....

She pinched her throat making him smile.

Arnav - Ok. You lay down and rest. Your reports will come in half an hour.

Kushi - Ok.

Kushi laid down on the bed and held his hands pulling it closer to her chest. Holding his hands she closed her eyes. Arnav smiled and caressed her hair.

In next half an hour a Doctor came inside with Kushi's reports. She smiled seeing them.

Doctor - Hi Kushi....

Kushi sat up seeing the Doctor and Arnav stood up. Doctor sat on the chair and looked at Kushi.

Doctor - How are you feeling now Kushi ?

Kushi - Better doctor.

Doctor - But hereafter you need to be more careful.

Kushi and Arnav frowned not understanding her words. Arnav got scared hearing her words.

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