Chapter 34

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It took two week to complete all the formalities. When Arnav shared Kushi's decision with Arjun and Arohi they was stunned with her decision. But Arnav made them understand and asked them to go back to Shimla till he settle things down there. They both half heartedly accepted his request and went to Shimla.

Kushi sold everything she had. Her father has raised her with that much of love, that even crores didn't mattered infront of her father's name. For her he was more important than the property he had. They had resolved all the problems and gave settlement to everyone.

Arnav has looked a small two bed room home for them with the little money he saved. It's been two days they have settled there and Kushi has started her designing work again.

On the other side -

Arnav sat on the bench and looked ahead at the place where their company was running before. It was totally crumbled and messed up. He got remembered of the old memories when he and Indraneel used to spent time there. He remembered how Indraneel used to teach every small things and correct him when he do some mistakes. Is he going to let his uncle's hardwork just like that ? No.... He can't....

He went inside the building and it looked not less than a bhoot banglow with wires melted and hanging down, broken glasses and other equipments.

He need to do something..... But what and how ? He doesn't have much knowledge about all this. He sighed and went home.

Kushi who has completed her work saw him coming. She smiled and went near him.

Kushi - you came back ?

Arnav smiled back - Yeah....

She smiled as he held her hands and hugged her.

Kushi - Go and fresh up Arnav ji. I will serve our dinner.

Arnav smiled and went to his room. He then go freshen up and sat down for dinner. He was so silent that made Kushi frown.

Kushi - What happened Arnav ji ?

Arnav jerked at her call and looked at her sighing - Nothing Kushi. Today I went to our company. 

Kushi sighed and looked down as tears formed in her eyes. Arnav kept silent and completed his dinner. Kushi also finished having her dinner.

She sat on the sofa resting her head on the headrest when she felt something on her lap. She opened her eyes only to see Arnav lying on her lap.

Arnav - Kushi.....

Kushi - Hmm......

Arnav - Kushi, I want to discuss something with you.

Kushi let her hands comb his thick hairs - Hmm tell me.

Arnav - I want to run our company back.

Kushi frowned - What ?

Arnav held her hands - Kushi, I can't let uncle's hardwork go away just like that. He loves that place and protecting it is my responsibility. I would like to do that.

Kushi - Wish we can do that. But we have sold everything.

Arnav - We haven't sold our company Kushi.

Kushi frowned - What ?

Arnav nodded cupping her cheeks - We haven't sold our company. I spoke with Kevin and he has helped us in 75 % compensation. So selling our company was not necessary.

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