Chapter 25

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As soon as the pandal caught fire surrounding people has called for fire station and fire engine along with Ambulance was already present for People's aid.

Arnav was taken to the mobile ambulance and doctors started inspecting him.

After checking him, Doctor's told Indraneel that he has seemed to inhale the smoke and has few burns in arms and palms and he will be fine in few hours.

Indraneel thanked the Doctor and hugged kushi sideways.

Kushi was crying looking at him and Indraneel patted her head.

Indraneel - Don't worry beta. He will be fine. Durga Maa please bless the poor boy. One after other he is always ending up in some health issues. Bless him with health and prosperity.

Kushi prayed inward - Durga Maa, I have asked you to give me Arnav ji. But what you have put him through. He came at your feet to seek your blessings, don't let anything harm him before your eyes. Please keep him safe maa.

After half an hour Arnav opened his eyes. Indraneel and Kushi thanked all the Gods and went near him.

Indraneel caressed his hairs - Are you ok Arnav ?

Arnav nodded his head.

Indraneel - Come we will go home.

Arnav stood up and informing to first aid team Indraneel took him to their home. On the whole way Kushi was silent. She was in a state of shock.

As they entered the home Indraneel asked their maid to prepare Dinner for everyone. He asked both of them to go to their room and change their dress.

They both went to their room and changed their dress and came back to Dining.

Indraneel - Arnav, it would be better if we go to Hospital tomorrow and get your checkup done by your doctor.

Arnav - Iam Alright Uncle. No need for that.

Indraneel - Arnav, you have felt unconscious and it would be better if we take opinion of the Doctor who knows your medical history.

Arnav - Ok Uncle.

Indraneel and Kushi started to eat, Arnav hissed as his palms were burnt. Indraneel stood up and went near him.

Indraneel - What happened Arnav ?

Arnav - Nothing uncle.

Indraneel - What ok ? You are not able to eat and saying nothing.

He took the plate and started feeding him making him stunned. Arnav got tears in his eyes ' What this man is made of ? Why is he showering this much care and love on a man he doesn't know before few months ? Does really such selfless person exists in their cruel world ? '

Indraneel - What happened is it paining ?

Arnav - Little bit uncle.

Indraneel - You should've been careful beta. What if something happened to you ?

Arnav looked at Kushi who was gulping her food and if he's not mistaken, she is crying silently.

Arnav - Iam ok Uncle. Nothing happened to me.

Kushi stood up as she finished eating something in the name of dinner. Indraneel didn't see her as his whole concentration was on Arnav. He made him eat his medicine and asked him to sleep.

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