Chapter 6

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Aarti was in her room surrounded by her whole family. She was sitting like a rock. Only her tears were the proof that she is still alive.

Anurag - Aarti, stop crying like this.

Anjali - Haan Maa. Why are you crying like this ? Leave it. I will pull his ears and make him apologize to you. Don't cry Mumma.

Aarti - Where did I go wrong in his upbringing Anurag ji ? Why he went away like that ? He could've told me once na.... I swear I would never pressured him to marry other girl. But he chose to go away. See how happily he is living a life. And look he haven't even contacted us in this five years. Not for once Anurag ji..... As his parents don't we hold any importance in his life ? In his major life decisions ? Don't we love him and nourished him right from his birth ? Then why did he do something like this ? I can't even digest the fact that he has chosen a life like this without us.

Anurag - Aarti, we will talk with him.

Aarti - I won't. Let him stay with his wife and son. I will not talk with him.

Anurag sighed looking at his crying wife and signaled others to go. Others went to their room with heavy heart remembering the happenings of the evening.

On the other side Arnav laid on his side burying his face in Kushi's neck hugging her tightly. His mind is not in peace and he is not getting any sleep. Kushi was constantly looking at him while caressing his hair in a try to calm him down. But No...... Nothing worked. 

Kushi - Arnav ji...

Arnav raised his head and looked at her.

Kushi - Don't worry and sleep Arnav ji. Nothing will happen.

Arnav Inturn was ashtonished looking at her all calm and composed. All these years she was the one who was tensed but now everything is opposite.

Arnav - Stay with me.

Kushi - Always My Shona.

She caressed his hair and Arnav closed his eyes letting sleep take over him.

Kushi on the other side was determined to set everything right. Right means clearing his name. Nothing else. And she would never leave Mrs Raizada for hurting her husband. So what if she is his mother ? She don't have right to hurt him without any knowledge.

Next day morning -

Aarti woke up with a splitting headache that day. Her eyes and face got puffy out of crying. Anurag ordered tea for her and gave that to her.

Suddenly they heard bell sound and opened the door to see DK and Arjun was standing there.

Anurag - Come in.

DK - Anurag today evening we have got a small Pooja at near by temple. You all should participate in that.

Anurag looked at Aarti and said - Nahi yaar, Aarti is feeling quiet sick.

DK got shocked - What ? What happened Bhabhi ?

Aarti - Kuch nahi bhaisaap. Iam alright.

Arjun - Then please come na aunty. Papa will feel happy seeing you all there.

Aarti smiled a little - Of course.

Arjun smiled and was about to say when Arohi along with her parents came inside. She smiled looking at DK.

Arohi - Good Morning Papa.

DK - Good Morning beta. What are you doing here ?

Arohi - I came to invite Anjali Di and Payal.

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