Chapter 44

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It was night when at sharp 12 Kushi woke up and saw her husband who was sleeping peacefully.

She moved closer and kissed his forehead - Happy Anniversary Arnav ji....

Arnav pulled the quilt till his neck and snuggled to the pillow sleeping more comfortably. Caressing his hair few minutes she laid on her place and closed her eyes to sleep.

After few minutes she slept and Arnav opened his eyes and looked at her.

Arnav - Happy Anniversary to you too Jaan.

He caressed her cheeks and slept hugging her.

It was next morning -

Kushi got up early in the morning and got freshen up and changed herself into her new saree and went downstairs.

Kushi - Kaki....

Maid - Ji....

Kushi - I will go to Mandir and come..... Please give everyone their coffee. And start preparing breakfast. Today make Aaloo Puri and fruit salad. I will go to Mandir and come.

Maid - Teek hei Mam.

Kushi smiled and went to Mandir.

Aarti and Dadi just then came downstairs and looked for Kushi. But she was nowhere.

Their maid took coffee for them and Aarti asked her.

Aarti - Where is Kushi ?

Maid - Woh Mam Saab has went to Mandir. She said she will return soon.

Aarti - Ok.

Anurag, Arvind and Renu along with Anjali came down to see both ladies was walking in the garden area.

Anurag - Aarti....

Aarti - Ji....

Anurag - Today is Arnav and Kushi's wedding anniversary. So what do you think we should gift them ?

Aarti - I don't know Anurag ji.... You itself suggest me something.

Dadi - We should conduct a Pooja first.

Aarti chuckled - Teek hei Maa.

Anurag - How about some Dress ?

Aarti - It will be no special.

Arvind - Then Jewelry ?

Aarti - As much as I observed kushi is not a girl who is attracted to expensive things. She loves to keep it simple always. So..... Something simple would do.

Anjali - Shall we good today's lunch. A special menu..... She would be happy.

Aarti - Ok. But that alone not enough.

Payal came there - Mumma, of they were in Delhi we would have thrown a grand party isn't it ?

Aarti - Hmm....

Anjali - Chote has already planned something. We are now confused on what gift should we give her ?

Payal - We can't able to do anything in this short period. It would be enough of we stay as it is and not mess Arnav Ji's plan.

Everyone thought it to be right.

Arnav who got up and freshen up came down with Aarav in his arms and  searched for Kushi but she was nowhere to be seen.

Anjali - Arnav....

Arnav turned to her.

Anjali - Are you searching Kushi ?

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