Chapter 3

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Alex got up around 5 am to get dresses and showered. He was in black jeans and a white shirt. He had a slight limp. His side was bothering him but he put it aside. At around 7 am he heard a knock at the door. Steve was as the door.

"Hey Steve. Come in." Steve walked in and looked around. Steve walked to the middle of a clean room. He looked at Alex. He was Alex was limping slightly.

"Have you changed that bandage yet?" Steve asked Alex.

"No." Alex said. Steve got a first aid kit and had Alex sit on the bed and take his shirt off.

"You really need the bandage to be changed 3 times a day." Alex nodded and Steve cleaned his side and put a fresh bandage.

"I know. You sound like a doctor." Alex said. Once Steve was finished Alex put his shirt back on. There was a knock on the door. Alex got up and looked through the peep hole. Danny was outside with a little girl.

"Open up. It's Danny." Alex opened the door and let them in. "So Alex this is Grace. She's my daughter." Alex shook her hand.

"Nice to meet you." Steve went into the bathroom to throw away the bandage. He came back a second later.

"Hey Danny. Hey Gracie. Let's go." Steve said.

"Go where?" Alex asked.

"Breakfast. Don't spies eat." Alex frowned at what Danny said.

"I do, sometimes." Alex gathered a few thing and they left to go to breakfast. They went to a sit down area. They all got eggs and some bread with hash browns. Grace decided to talk cause it was too quiet.

"So Alex. How old are you?" She asked looking at Alex.

"Well I'm 16. How about you?" Grace smiled and so did Danny which surprised Alex cause all he has seen Danny as mad or just not emotions at all.

"8. So are you one of my dads new co-works? He's never mentioned you." Alex smiled. Steve smiled as well.

"You could say I'm his co-worker." Grace smiled and finished her breakfast. Once they were all done they headed to Five-0 HQ. Grace stayed in Steve's office and colored, while the other worked.

"So we found a man's DNA on our vic by the name of Eric Smith. He looks to have been at the meeting. He's at the same hotel as Alex." Kono said. They had a picture of the man.

"Okay let's go get this man." Steve said. "Kono. Stay here with Grace." Chin got on his motorcycle and Steve, Danny and Alex got in the sports car. They had back up on there way to the hotel. Once they got there they put on the bullet prof vests.

"Alex your going to be behind us when we get in there." Danny said putting on gloves. Steve handed Alex a small gun. Alex looked at it almost like it was disease.

"Alex I need you to take the gun. I trust you." Steve said. Alex took the gun. They head to the room where the guy was. They knocked down the door. There was a man standing in the middle of the room that looked like his picture. His hands were up. "Down on the ground now." Steve told the man. Alex was the last one in the room.

"Alex Rider. I heard you were dead. I guess I heard wrong." He said to Alex as they took him out of the room. Alex did not know the man. He sure did know Alex. They took him into the interrogation room. They all watched from the observation room.

"Alex. I want you to go in there and see what you can get out of him." Steve said.

"I don't know." Alex said looking at the man. They all looked at Alex almost pleading. "Fine." Alex walked out of the room and into the one where Eric was. He walked in and already the atmosphere changed.

"Now the US is having teenage spies?" He asked as Alex walked in.

"No. I was on vacation. They found me and asked for my help." Alex said as he got closer. He took out a picture of the women. "Do you know her?"

"She's on the board with Scorpia. You should know cause we were the ones that killed her to get your attention. It worked." He smiled evilly.

"So you admit that you were the one that killed her?" Alex asked.

"Yes. Choked her and then we tossed her over the balcony." Alex nodded. "You know Alex. There something you missed."

"What's that?" Alex asked.

"Scorpia never for gives or forgets." His chains came off and attacked Alex. He kicked the chair at the door. It broke the door knob. The others could not get in. All they could do is watch. He tried to chock Alex. Alex was fighting back. Eric grabbed the chair and hit Alex over the head making him bleed. He still got up dazed. Alex was able to get a kick to the head to knock him out. Alex hugged the wall. Steve kicked down the door and went to Alex.

"Alex. Stay with me kid." Alex slide down the wall to the floor. "Kono get Max." On the wall was Alex's blood. Danny tied the man up and took him to a different room. Alex passed out as soon as Max was in the room. Max fixed him up. They took him to Steve's office and had Grace watch over him. Danny came back.

"He's dead. He took a suicide pill that was hidden in his tooth." Danny said. Steve nodded and slammed his hand on the table.

"At least we know who killed the women." Kono said. "Case closed." They all looked to Alex. Then Steve got a call.

"McGarrett... Yes Governor. Were r on our way." Steve ended the call. "Governor wants us at his office now." Steve went into his office to see how Alex was doing. He was still out. He went to Grace. "Grace. Can you watch Alex for me." Grace nodded and they left the room. A few minutes later Alex woke up with a splitting headache.

"Hey Grace. Oww." Alex slowly got up from the couch he was laying in.

"Al. What happen to you?" Grace asked still drawing. Alex thought about the last thing he remember which was not much.

"Ran into a bad guy." He started to rub his temples. He was having a major headache. Then Alex heard a door open. He looked around to see none of the task force there. "Grace where is everyone?" Grace looked up at Alex.

"They said that they would be back but I don't know where though." Alex heard something sounding like a door.

"Grace. Come over here now." Grace got up and went over to Alex. Then he saw a figure come through the door. "Grace get under the desk now." Alex told Grave and she did. The figure got closer and it was Danny.

"Hey where's Grace?" As he walked in another man was behind him with a bat.

"Danny look out." He was knock unconscious. Then the man got closer to Alex. There was another man with him. Alex did not know about him. Alex kicked the first guy and went around him. The problem was that Alex had his back to the door. He felt a hand go over his mouth and something go went into his neck. Alex stopped struggling within a few seconds and fell to the ground. The two men grabbed Alex and put him into a white van and drove off. The task force saw what happen and started shooting at the van. It got away before they could do anything. Grace came out from under the desk when they came in.

"Steve." Grave called out. Steve came running in.

"Gracie. What happen?" He checked Danny.

"Alex saved me and was taken by two men." Grace said. Danny starter to wake up.

"Danny, you okay?" Danny got up.

"My head hurts. Grace your okay." He hugged Grace.

"Yea but we lost Alex." Steve said.


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