Chapter 5

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Alex opened his eyes again very slowly as he heard birds sing. He didn't have an IV anymore in his arm but he still ached. He looked out the window to see the ocean. All Alex could do was move his head. Then the door opened. Alex turned his head to Yassen Gregrovich. Alex was surprised but he didn't show it. Yassen stand above Alex.

"I see that you are awake." Yassen said with a slight Russian accent. Alex did not say anything. "I know that you can talk Alex. You got to say something." Alex moved slightly and winced.

"Bloody hell." Alex said. Yassen smiled. He sat down in a chair next to the bed. "Why did you save me?" Alex said a little rusty voice. Yassen got up and gave Alex some water. Alex nodded as a thank you.

"I head that you were captured by Scorpia and I so happen to be in Hawaii." Yassen said. Alex nodded. "Why were you in Scorpia's hands?"

"I was working on a case for a task force here in Hawaii and Scorpia had a plan set up for me and I walked right in to it." Alex said. He tried to sit up but did not work out well.

"You really shouldn't move. Your injuries are still healing." Yassen said. Alex stopped and he started to close is eyes again. "Get some sleep. I'll be back later." Yassen said as Alex closed his eyes and fell into a deep sleep. Yassen watched Alex sleep for a little longer and then left to go talk to some people.


After a few hours sleep Five-0 task force went back to the office to try and find Alex. They were surprised at all the profile's Yassen used.

"This guy has a lot of identities. Only 10 he used in the last year it looks like." Kono said pulling up the ten profiles.

"Okay look and see if any of those he used and see which hotel he's at." Steve said. "Me and Danny are going to Alex's hotel room to see if anyone's been there or if Alex had talked to him since he faked his death." They walked out and went to his hotel. They looked around but there was nothing.

"Man this kid is clean." Danny said looking through his luggage.

"Yea. No kidding. Maybe we should go ask the front desk if they seen Yassen." They went downstairs and asked the desk none of them had seen him. They went to Kamekona to see if they had seen Yassen. When they got to his site for selling shrimp he came out to greet them.

"Hey, what's up you two? Where's your little buddy Alex?" He said looking for him. Steve went a little closer with a picture in his hand.

"Kamekona, have you seen this man?" Kamekona looked at the picture.

"Yea. He ordered some food earlier today. He said it was for a friend and him." Steve nodded.

"This man took Alex and were trying to find out where he is." Danny said.

"Do you know where he might be living on this island?" Steve asked.

"Yea I heard him talking to someone and he said something about his house near an ocean. From what I heard it was a few bedroom, bathroom type of house." Kamekona said.

"All right. thanks Kamekona. We will keep you updated on Alex." Steve said. With that they left and Kono called them. Steve put her on speaker phone so Danny could hear. "Hey Kono."

"We got something. Looks like he bought a house here a year ago on Marine Street. I'll send you the address. He could be renting out so be on the down low." Kono said.

"Okay we are on our way there." Once they got there they had a picture of Alex ready to show who ever was at the door. They rang the door bell and a couple seconds later a man opened the door. It was Yassen and Steve and Danny knew about it but did not say anything.

"Sorry to bother you but, have you seen this boy. Where with HPD and we had someone put in a missing report so we are going around houses to see if anyone has seen him." Danny asked.

"I think I have seen this boy but I don't know where. Sorry guys. I hope you find him." Yassen said with a perfect American accent. Both of them nodded.

"Thank you for your time. If you see the boy call us." Steve said giving Yassen his card. Yassen took it and closed the door. They went back to the car. "That's our guy. We need to come up with a plan and do it tonight." They left to go back to HQ and tell Kono and Chin.


Alex woke up three hour later. He saw that he had an IV in his arm again. He could move better so he got up and turned the IV off. That's when he noticed he had no shirt but his chest wrapped with bandaged. Then he took the IV out and started to walk around the room. He didn't get far by the time Yassen came in. Alex was at the foot of the bed holding on to the foot board. Alex balance was off so he was limping and almost trying to fall over. It was because he had been in bed for a longtime and he was tortured not long ago.

"Let me help you Alex." Yassen said walking over to Alex. Alex just shewed him away.

"I don't need your help." Alex said moving away from Yassen. Yassen felt hurt but he sure didn't show it.

"You needed me when I found you in that cell." Yassen said Alex stopped moving.

"I had a team coming. I would have been fine." Alex said.

"Your really stubborn like your dad." Alex keep walking around till he got his balance back and could move better. Yassen watched him. making note of every wince Alex made. Then Yassen heard the door bell and went to go get it. He locked the door. Alex heard the click of the door being locked. Alex knew something was up.

Alex Rider/ Hawaii Five-0 Crossover: FoundWhere stories live. Discover now