Chapter 4

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Alex woke up tied to a chair with rope which was making a rope burn on his wrists and ankles. There was duck tape on his mouth and the dimly light room. His side was burning. He was still weak so he closed his eyes and fell asleep again.


"Kono you got anything on the van?" Steve asked. Chin and Kono where typing away.

"Nothing boss. We found the van at a few lights but that's it. Looked like they drove around a few times." Kono said showing the picture. Steve went over to Grace.

"Gracie did Alex say anything to you that might mean something?" Steve asked her. Danny was being check over by a paramedic.

"All he said was get under your desk and then I found this piece of paper." Grace handed it Steve.

"We got a phone number." Steve said and gave it to Kono. She put the number in the computer.

"I got something. It looks like it's in a warehouse. I'll send you the address." Steve started to run out with Chin.

"Danny let's go." Danny followed behind jumping into the the sports car. Steve keep saying, we are on our way.


Alex woke with cold water slashing him. He opened his eyes slowly. There was two guards and another man in the room. Alex's mouth was still taped. Alex looked at his captures as they looked at him.

"Welcome Alex Rider. I'm Caden Rothman. I'm sure you knew my sister. Also you were in my brother's room. I say it's payback time." He started to punch Alex in the face and the gut. He punched Alex in the face and the gut for about an hour it seemed like to Alex. By the time he was done Alex was in agony. He also was black and blue. He could not say or do anything. A man came in a few minutes later.

"Sir. You got a call." Rothman nodded. 

"Well Alex duty calls." Then he kicked Alex right in the ribs cracking two or three ribs and punctured a lung. "Have a nice death." He left the room. The guards untied Alex and left as well laughing. Alex sat there wheezing. He was in agony. Then he heard guns go off. He hung his head praying he would die.


They were almost there. They hoped that Alex was not dead. They called for back up. Once they got there they put bullet prof vest on and they went in shooting everyone they came across. They checked all the room but one. They ran into it to see there was blood and cut ropes on the ground. Steve slammed his fist against the wall.

"He's not here. Someone took him or they grabbed him before we could." A HPD officer came in.

"Sir we found some dead bodies that was not shot by us." Steve nodded. The guy left.

"Steve at least we know he's alive." Danny said.

"There's security cameras. Lets try and look at them." Steve said. He ran to the room and looked at the cameras. They saw a man shot several man and grab Alex and put him in a car and drove off. They got the license plate number which would help them find Alex.


Alex heard the door open. He felt someone take the tap off his mouth. Alex looked up. He could not see the man in front of him. His vision was blurred. He felt that he was picked up. After awhile he was sat down. He was moving so he thought it might have been a car. He closed his eyes and fainted.

Alex woke up and it look to be morning. He was in a bed covered in bandages and an IV. He had a view of the ocean. The sun was shining in. He still felt tired so he fell back asleep. As he did he hear a door open and a guy speaking in Russian.


They pulled an all night-er trying to find Alex. They did not find anything on the guy that took Alex or his car. It was like he was a ghost like Alex. All they knew was that he was good at a gun like Alex. They also knew that the man cared for Alex cause he was very gentle in carrying him and picking him up. They looked through Alex's case file when Chin found something.

"On one of Alex's mission before he meet Scorpia he meet an assassin named Yassen Gregrovich. He looks like they guy that took Alex. The problem is that he died well over a year ago." They had is picture on the screen and compared it to the footage.

"That's our man." Steve said. "Fine out if he has multiply names and see which one is in Hawaii. Danny take Grace home. I'll call you if we find anything." Danny nodded and grabbed Grace.

"Come on Monkey. No school today." Danny said walking out. It was Sunday so it would be hard for them to find Alex with all the traffic. Steve rubbed his eyes.

"Steve you should get some sleep." Chin said.

"We all should get some sleep. Let all come back here in a few hours." He said all leaving the room. The computer was still looking for Yassen.

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I know it's a short chapter but I don't know what else to say. Vote and comment plz.

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