Chapter 10

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Alex woke up and was greeted by Helen checking his pulse. Alex looked at her and tried to move away from her but his hand was tied to the bed post by rope.

"I see that your awake." Helen said. Alex looked at her and then looked away. "Alex you know that I didn't want to leave you. John made me and said that Ian would take care of you."

"Well he did before he died and I was sucked into all of this." He said. Helen looked at him with sad eyes. She untied his arm.

"Shirt off." She said very lightly. Alex did not move. He was being hesitant. "I just want to check to see if you have other wounds." She said. Alex sat up and started to slide his shirt off. She put her hands over her mouth as she saw all of Alex's scars.

"I took up the family business." Alex said.

"Who did this to you?" She asked. John was about to come in when he heard them talking.

"Scorpia mostly but MI6 was the one that started it all. They black mail me after Ian died. Been working ever since." Alex said. John was about to punch the wall but he stopped himself.

"Is that a sniper wound above your heart." Helen said really worried.

"Yea. That was about two years ago. It was after my fifth mission. After I got Julia Rothman killed." Alex said. John left cause he did not want to hear anymore.

"My poor baby. How old are you now?" She asked.

"16." Alex said. "14 when Ian died and I was taken cared of by our housekeeper which was my best friend. She was a really nice lady. You would like her." Alex said. Helen saw sadness in his eyes so she did not say anything else about it.

"She does sound nice. How about I look at your back and then work on that wound in your leg." She said and he got off the bed and turned around. He still had scabs on his back from the whips. She touched his back and he tensed up. Then she saw the scorpion on his right shoulder and she gasped. Alex closed his eyes. He knew she saw the scorpion on his back from the brand iron.

"That one is recent. Scorpia kidnapped me and did that." Alex said. He started to put his shirt back on. She grabbed the first aid kit and unwrapped the bandage. Alex did not flinch or anything when she took the bullet out. She cleaned it up and wrapped it back up.

"Tell me do you have a girlfriend?" Helen asked. Alex heart started to hurt. He thought about Sabina and how she died. Helen saw the the hurt in his eyes.

"Yes I did have a girl friend. Scorpia killed her and one of my best friends. I watch it happen." Helen put her hand on Alex's.

"I'm sorry to hear that Alex. Why don't we go walk around for a bit and see how you do on that leg." She helped he up and walk around. They walked around the room for a little bit and they talked about Alex and all he learned. She knew that he was smart but from what she heard about him he was really smart. It was 9 pm.

"Okay I have to go Alex. It's getting late. I'll come back in the morning." He hopped in the bed and she left the room. He closed his eye for about an hour and he got up and figured out a way to get out of the place. He got up and limped over to the door and opened the door to see an empty hall way. He walked out of the room slowly and walked down the hall way to see another door. He slowly opened it to see nothing but more doors.

"Bloody hell." Alex said under his breath. He opened the first door to see an empty bed room. Then Alex opened up another door to see a empty room that had chains hooked to the wall. He closed that door and opened another one to see Yassen looking at Alex. "That's not the bathroom." Alex said. Yassen pointed to the door on the far left.

"Go through that door and take a left and go through the door at the end of the hall." Yassen said. Alex walked over there.

"Thank you." Alex said. He walked out and into the hall way. He took his first left and came to a door. Before he was a few feet away from the when sirens went off. Alex started to run but it hurt his leg too much that he continued to walk. He heard people running around in the halls. He heard someone behind him so he keep going. He felt a hand go on his shoulder.

"Who are you?" The man asked. Alex grabbed the guys hand and flipped him over his shoulder. He guy landed on the ground. He was surprised and Alex keep walking towards the door when the guy tripped Alex and he fell on his bad leg. He yelped in pain. The guard got up and put his foot on Alex's leg. Alex winced in the pain. Then he saw Helen push the guard off of Alex.

"What were you thinking. He looks like John. You could have seriously hurt him." Helen was scolding the guard. Alex laid on the ground in pain. His eyes were closed. The pain in his leg did not go away.

"I'm sorry ma'am. I though he was an intruder." The guard said.

"You better be sorry cause that's my son." Alex heard Helen say. He heard someone go closer to Alex but he didn't care cause he was in too much pain. His hands went into a fist as the pain got worse but soon enough he fainted from the pain.

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