Your my best Friend, Angel

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A/n! This is a bit short :)

After that whole 'proposal' dinner wreck thing, Abuela was so mad at Mirabel.
I feel bad. Really bad. Maybe it was my fault since I told Camilo. And then he told Félix. And the he told Pepa. And then she told Julieta.

I sighed walking back to my room.
Laying on my bed, staring at the ceiling, I thought it was strange how this necklace glows at a certain time. It's odd. Like whenever something is up with the magic the necklace glows. I think the necklace is magical. But I wonder how it works.

"Angel? Are you in there? It's Camilo." I heard knocking at my door.

"Come in." I said. I heard the door open. I didn't bother to look at it. Or him. "Hi, Camilo. I see you're back to normal" I said. He chuckled.

"Hi Angel." He sat on the bed. Next to where my stomach was. "Whatca doing?" He asked. I sighed.


"About what?" I had to quick think of something. I didn't want to tell him that I think my necklace is magic.

"That terrible dinner." Camilo laughed.

"That was a terrible dinner." He said running his fingers up and down my arm. Gave me shivers. "Are you ok? You seem a bit- off"

"Of course I'm ok, why wouldn't I be?" I said, chuckling.

"Something is definitely on your mind. Tell me." He demanded.

"Nothing. Is. Wrong." He sighed. He knew I was being difficult with him. We sat there in silence. I stared at Camilo while he staredat the door. "Please, Camilo, I'm tired." I say. Camilo looked over at me.

"Ok. Yeah, your tired. Let's talk in the morning." He said. He leaned over, kissing my lips. His soft lips on mine, felt good. "Good night." He mumbled before getting up.

"Y-yeah. Good night." I felt myself blushing. I feel bad actually. I didn't mean to be rude to him. I hope he isn't mad at me. But that kiss. I'm still blushing thinking about it. Does he like me? For real?

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