Maddys younger sister

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Rue is speaking in with this writing.

From a young age, Maddy frequently competed in beauty pageants to great success due to her high levels of self-confidence. However, after her mother saw a news report about a pageant coach being arrested as a child molester, she was prohibited from entering any more pageants. Despite initial protests (which involved refusing to eat for a week), Maddy began to realize that she enjoyed "not doing anything" and embraced her lack of desire for a career. While studying the rich women whom her mother worked for as an esthetician, Maddy decided that she wanted to become one of them in order to avoid being trapped in a strained, loveless relationship like her mother and father's.

At some point, Maddy entered a relationship with Nate Jacobs. After watching the 1995 film Casino, Maddy began to idolize Sharon Stone's portrayal of Ginger McKenna, a rich showgirl who used her looks and wits to manipulate men into supporting her wealth. With her in mind, Maddy learned how to convince Nate to buy her expensive items by making him feel confident and powerful, partially via sex. She often watched porn to analyze the performers and learn new techniques, although she never gained arousal from doing so.

Maddy and Nate's relationship was tumultuous; they took multiple breaks, during which Maddy would often find herself hooking up with other guys including a DJ who said he opened for Calvin Harris, a stockbroker with a family, and a roller rink owner. She disliked Nate's volatile personality and feared that it would lead to him hurting her one day; despite this, she knew she would continue loving him regardless of his actions, a fact that made her "sick to her stomach."

At some point, she became a cheerleader in the East Highland cheer leading squad, alongside Cassie Howard.

Soon enough she had convinced (y/n) to follow in her steps. Since she is only 3 years younger than Maddy being 14 she was ready to try out for a cheerleader with the help of Maddy.

I liked (y/n) she was quiet around new people and was your regular 14-year-olds although one time Maddy walked in on her while she had OD. You may be thinking how she got ahold of drugs that's a long enough story for another time.

(Y/n) POV

I was not excited for my first day of high school and I'm pretty sure nobody was. My sister Maddy had shaved In the shower for over an hour. Leaving little to no time to shower and prepare. I had to get rid of the pimples I had that were barely noticeable just bugged me. With the help of makeup and Maddy, it was no big problem.

"(Y/n) I swear to Fucking god tell me if anyone is being a Fucking Cunt and I'll make their life Fucking Hell" Maddy told me sincerely

"Okay I'll let you know" I replied closing my door quietly

She left with no reply but with a smile, I closed my eyes falling asleep silently. Waking up the exact opposite my hair was all naughty and tangled. I went to the bathroom to fix everything. I put on a rip-off juicy couture tracksuit in light purple. The top was cropped so I put a white crop top underneath and left with Maddy and Nate.

In all honesty, Nate scared the Fucking hell out of me, but he occasionally gave me a gift so I didn't mind.

"Hey (y/n) we have to make a quick stop you can come in if you want," Nate said I lifted my head smiling into the review mirror.

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