Remember what i said?

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I was already on the way to school before I knew it and I actually am excited. Although I feel bad for Lucas and turning him down. I look up from my phone to see Maddy and Nate fighting?

"Okay honestly who the fuck is texting you!" She says to him firmly as he looks to her

"Just my dad" he sighs and turns away

"Whatever" she says looking at me once again

Once we get out from the truck she parts away from Nate and goes to me.

"(Y/n) don't tell anyone" she says pointing her finger at me

"Yea?" I question my eyes turning to ash coming over

"Guess what the fuck I saw in Nate's phone" she says to me

"What?" I asked seeing ashtray come closer

"Oh my gosh fucking dicks" she says whispering

"Oh my fucking god" I say whiling gasping

"Yea so fucking much, all kinds that weren't even his. That's why I'm thinking who's texting him" she says to me

"Look through his phone" I say to her while ashtray come up from behind her

"I'm going to again" she says looking at ashtray

"What the fuck?" She questions

"Yo what's up" he says to me

"Oh it's you" she says turning away and walking to her class

"Uh I'm sorry, what's up?" I asked him causing him to smile a little

"Well I was thinking we skip school today" he says to me

"What?" I say questioning him

"Just this once then the fair is in like what 2 days" he says

"Okay" I said as he grips onto my hand pulling me to the benches outside and jumping over them to roam the sides of the road

"So what's you plan for this" I say to him

"Man skipping is skipping easy as that no plan" he says to me

"Okay" I say to him

We start walking with occasional talking then I realize we are heading to his place.

"What we're going to your place?" I question him

"Yea it's chill I have an idea" he said smirking

"You said no plan for skipping" I say to him as he looks over

"Well yeah but this just popped in my head" he says then looking at out hands still connected as he lets go

"My bad" he says apologetic

"Whatever" I say to him looking over to see that we arrived

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