Youve never kissed anyone else?

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I woke up to Maddy sneaking out, we didn't have school today so I walked to Ash's.

"Hey" I said outside his door

"Hey?" He said walking out

"I say we hang out me you and all your friends and mine" I said to him

"Damn okay" he grabbed his phone texting them all

"Okay so all of them can come, what about yours" he said to me

"Mostly all" I said smiling at him

"Okay well stick by me these guys I swear are such horn dogs" he said to me while I laughed

We all met up at Jessica's house since her parents weren't home, I went in and they immediately asked to play seven minutes In heaven but spinning a bottle to choose

"See I told you horn dogs" he says laughing

"What you laughing about" I think Jake asked

"Nothing" I said to him

"You spin first since you wanna laugh so much" Jake says to me, ugh ugly ass ginger.

"Uh okay" I go to the bottle as everyone is in a circle the bottle was spinning and landed on the person beside me.

I take him to the closet ready to rant, I grab his wrist jogging away

"So eager for what?" He questioned

"I'm not I'm scared" I said as he looks confused

"This would be my first consensual kiss besides you" I say as he looks confused

"You've never kissed anyone but me" he asked me as I nodded

"I mean I did get my first kiss not from you but it was no good" I said to him

"What you mean" he asked me

"Uhh complicated he kissed me while I was sleeping tried doing weird shit I got mad and dipped" I said to him as he was leaning in

"That's so sad" he says leaning in more

Our faces inches apart

I smiled "I guess so" I said to him

"Yea" he replied kissing me with passion then putting his hands on my waist as we ran into the wall with each-other, he depended the kiss. I started to lean back out of the kiss.

"Let's talk" I said his hands still on my waist

"About??" He asked me

"About I don't know who have you kissed?" I asked him he lets go of my waist

"Well Sarah, Sasha, Cameron, Maleah, Karys, and Scarlett" he finished

"What?" I asked him out of shock

"Yea that's not too much" he replied

"TIMES UP" I heard Will say as we exited

I got partnered to just kiss Will, as an dare.

I look over to Ash as I kissed Will with some passion for 10 seconds like the dare said smiling after.

"Yo can we talk?" He said to me

"What was that?" He questioned me

"A dare" I replied

"Man it's okay but like you was smiling like you were so excited" he said as I giggled

"Yea excited to do this" I said as I started leaning in kissing him slightly putting my arms around his neck.

"Oh" he replied laughing a little

"Cool" he says playing it off heading back in

After the whole things ended me and Ash went home and went our separate ways.

"Bye!" I said waving

"Bye (y/n)" he said to me waving away silly

I went home happiest I have ever been smiling like an idiot. Till I heard screaming

"Mom, dad?" I said out loud

"What?" Maddy replied going back on about how Nate's didn't do it and they love each other.

I went to my bed to tired for this shit going to bed.


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