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I woke up with the worst pain in my head, Damn how'd I end up in bed. I turn to the side looking at my alarm clock, holy shit it's 3: pm. Lucky I ain't got no school.

I get up and grab my bike and start biking over to the gas station.

I see Fez on the freezer looking at me as I walked in.

"Yo (y/n)" he says to me

"Hi." I reply blankly

"So what's up" he says standing up

"Err I just wanted to come and say hi" I replied to him

"Yo ash is sick" he says to me

"Who said I came here for ashtray" I replied looking at him

"Man how should I know" he says as I turn to the drinks

"You have ice tea" I asked him

"Man I don't know look" he replies

I open the fridge door once I found it getting a squirt in the eye with some water. What the fuck?

"Ah" I said slightly holding my eye

"Man ash get out of there" Fez says laughing

"Not funny" I say to Ash as he comes back

"Whatever (y/n)" he says

I go up to him and hug him, he actually hugs back letting go fairly quick.

"Yo (y/n) you going to the fair" Fez says looking at me

"Ya probably" I replied and turn to ash

"Well me and Fez are going to be doing shit so don't come and ask to go on the Ferris wheel or some cheesy ass shit" Ash says

"Aweee I'm so hurt" I say sarcastically

"Whatever" he replies

"Okay well I should get going" I say to them as we say our goodbyes I go to my bike and start biking home.

Man what the fuck does he mean I can't do anything with him? I mean I don't care it's just a stupid kid. I mean after all his name was ashtray, whatever I'll just go with someone else. I think to myself as I get home.

Hey (y/n) I was wondering if
If you had any plans
For the fair?

I don't think so

Oh nothing maybe
We could go together

Yea I'd like that

Okay I'll talk later

I mean I didn't like him, since that was just plain old Lucas. But he is nice enough and I feel like could make ash jealous. The next day we had school so I took some melatonin and feel asleep.

When I woke up it was 8:00 already and I had 30 minutes to get ready. I decided to wear jeans and crop top with a necklace to change it up a little.

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