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Xena Valentino

"Why didn't anyone teach you how to cook if you don't mind me asking?" Crystal asks me as I knead the dough, doing it exactly as she taught me.

"My mom was strung out on drugs most of the time, my dad has never been around, and I'm an only sibling so I only ever had to worry about myself. Most of the time I survived off of noodles and whatever my mom would bring home." I reply as I give the dough to Sienna with a smile as she begins turning it into noodles.

She doesn't talk much but she does smile sometimes, she's like that all the time, or at least that's what Vanni told me.

"I'm sorry, my dad wasn't in the picture either and I'm the only child. My mom raised me by herself and she did her best. Unfortunately she passed last year," my heart aches as I see the frown on Crystal's face.

"My mom passed a few months ago, I can understand your pain," I let her know.

She gives me a sincere hug before we continue cooking. As more time goes by I feel myself getting more and more attached to her and Sienna. Sienna begins to speak more and opens up to me a little bit while her mom was busy and Crystal makes me feel as if I'm one of her kids.

By the time we're finished she calls the boys to put all the food on the table. I meet up with Vanni as we both carry a dish in our hands. When we place the dishes down along with everyone else he holds a chair out and I say a quick 'thank you' as I sit down.

When I look around I feel content as everyone digs into the food. I grab Vanni's plate and put everything on it and set it down in front of him. Everyone else begins eating as I make my plate. When I'm finished my mouth waters as I see how delicious it looks.

The plate includes; chicken pasta, lasagna, salad, and garlic bread. I take a bit of the pasta and moan as the food hits my taste buds. I feel pressure on my thigh and I look down to see Vanni squeezing me lightly through the thin fabric of my jeans. I realize why and look around to see no one else noticed.

Vanni begins eating and for a few minutes all you hear is the sound of metal clinking against the plates.

Matteo is the first to speak as he turns his attention to me. "So, why are you with Gio? Most women would run from someone with so much power or try to use him." he questions me bluntly. I know he means well though.

"Uhm..." I feel awkward as the whole table eats and watches awaiting my answer.

"You don't have to answer," Crystal reassures me.

"It's fine, I care about him more than I care about myself." I squeeze his hand under the table before continuing. "He makes me feel special, when I'm not with him I feel like something in me is missing. When he's around he brings me a certain happiness that is hard for me to explain. He's not the only one I'm falling in love with though, I'm also falling in love with his family," I finish. It's true, I'm beginning to love them all. Everything about being here feels right.

"You're falling in love with me?" Turning to Vanni I give him a quick peck as he looks shocked.

"Gosh I can't wait to ask any longer." Crystal blurts out, we all turn to her and she looks between me and Vanni. "When am I going to be a grandma?" she asks and I almost choke on the piece of garlic bread I'm chewing.

The thought of having kids hasn't even crossed my mind. I have the implant so it would be close to impossible for me to get pregnant at the moment, at least until I get it taken out. Vanni tenses up next to me causing me to think about the fact that neither of us have had any thoughts about children. It's not that I don't want kids, just not right now. I want to enjoy what me and Vanni have, down the line I do want at least one mini-me.

"We haven't discussed children, I think we just want to enjoy each other for right now. Later on in life-" I look at Vanni, he gives me an approving look. "-we want kids. Just not right now." I finish, Crystal holds a bummed look on her face for a second before replacing it with her usual warm smile.

"Well, I guess we'll have to wait a few more years unless one of you have something to tell us," she looks at her other kids, they all shake their heads with a cringe look on their faces. "Gosh I knew we should've had another one! We could've increased our chances." Crystal looks at her husband and he chuckles at her comment.

"Six was five-and-a-half more than we planned on having," we all give him a confused look as his wife slaps his chest playfully. "We were gonna get a dog , but then we found out she was pregnant the day we were gonna adopt the dog. She didn't want a dog and a baby, so after a long list of pros and cons we chose Gio," he jokes.

I giggle but stop when I feel eyes on the side of my head. I turn to Vanni and pout. "It's a joke, you know they love you," I smirk as he rolls his eyes.

"Glad to know I was compared to a dog, I'll remember that when I'm buying Christmas gifts," he grumbles.


A few hours later we left and now we're at his house getting ready for bed.

"I love your family," I admit as I come out of the bathroom with a towel wrapped around me, Vanni is already laying down under the cover by the time I'm done showering.

"They love you too, I think you've officially stolen my place," he looks up at me and smirks as I drop the towel.

Deciding to tease him a bit I take extra long to pull my panties up. By the time I look up at him he's licking his lips and looking at me eagerly. I take just as long to put one of his t-shirts on and I know at this point I'm driving him crazy.

I go back to normal as if nothing happened, putting away the towel I come back in the room and lay next to a grumpy Vanni. "Goodnight Vanni."

"Goodnight little rose," butterflies erupt in my stomach as I hear the nickname. When I turn the lamp off I feel his arms wrap around me before I doze off.

His Mafia Dancer (Book 1 in the Segreto Series) ©Where stories live. Discover now