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Xena Valentino

Multiple rounds are fired all around as Vani rushes over to me and grabs my hand before pulling me towards an exit. I keep up with his urgent pace as my heels click on the floor loudly .

As soon as we reach an exit we're met with the rest of Vanni's family as we all reach the door at the same time . It takes almost no time before me and the two other females in the family are rushed outside followed by everyone else . Multiple black SUV's pull up next to us and everyone piles into different vehicles.

Vanni takes me to the one in the middle and helps me in. Arya, Sienna, Matteo, Vanni and myself all sit in the large backseat as we start to move . All of us sit catching our breathe momentarily till Vanni clears his throat catching everyone's attention.

"We need to find that Russian bastard!" Vanni clenches his fist until his knuckles turn white . I move onto his lap and wrap my arms around him, successfully calming him down.

"We need to finalize the deal with Silas and Nico. If the American Mafia works with us we will be unstoppable," Arya insists as she comforts a shivering Sienna. Matteo nods his head in agreement while Vanni holds a stern thinking face.

"The alliance will only fall in place once Nico takes over and there's still about a year till that happens," I chime in.

"We could win this war without the Americans, it's just a matter of numbers. We have the better skills but the Russians have more men than us," Vanni finally speaks, then he looks at me. "Would it be smart to be allies with your family?"

"If the Russians have more people, yes. From what I've heard the American Mafia has around the same amount of men as us with almost the same skills. If everyone gets trained together we would not only have the skills but also the men to go to war with the Russians," I answer honestly. I've been observing a lot.

Nico could help a lot if he were to take over now. I don't necessarily know what we're at war with the Russians about but I know if we don't have numbers on them it'll be harder to win.

"So, Nico has to take over now," Matteo concludes.

The rest of the ride is silent, Arya sits with a sleeping Sienna's head on her lap while Matteo looks out the window.

"Everything will fall into place," I whisper into Vanni's ear. I don't know if that's the full truth but that's what I want to choose to believe.

"Don't think we aren't having a conversation about how you walked away from Matteo earlier," he states lowly in my ear.

"Matteo and Nico were talking a lot and I was bored. Plus I had the situation under control," I respond.

"You had a gun pointed to your head, Xena. You should've stayed put like I told you, doing all of that because you were bored?" he grits out at me harshly gaining the attention of Matteo and Arya.

Not turning back to face him I feel my eyes begin to water. I don't give him a response because he's right but he snapped at me so quickly. I know he's irritated as a whole so I'm trying not to take it personal but it's hard not to.

As I begin to doze off, I hear small whispers between the siblings.


"We just need to keep our families safe," a voice says lowly above me.

"Going into hiding will only cause us to look weak. Then more people will try to attack us," I recognize Vanni's stern tone and open my eyes to see Silas, Nico, and Vanni standing on different sides of me as I take notice of the fact that I'm in an unknown bed.

"Where is everyone?" I question.

"Everyone else is in their own rooms, we're at one of the the safe houses. Cora and Cyrus are also here," he reassures me.

"Is there a plan?" I ask as I sit up looking at the three men.

The lack of responses let's me know my answer. I sigh before getting up and finding the bathroom door by the closet. Closing the door I strip and turn on the difficult shower.

Stepping into the steamy water I let out a frustrated groan. Hearing the door open I pay no mind as Vanni steps in behind me.

"I'm sorry for snapping on you earlier," he apologizes as he kisses the top of my head lightly.

"It's okay, I deserved it. This night could've ended different if I just did what you told me to do," I admit defeatedly .

One of his hands rest on my waists as the other slides up my body slowly before finding my boobs. He plays with my nipples gently with his fingers causing my breath to hitch.

The hand on my waist slides down to tease my clit. I let out a low loan as he kisses and sucks on my neck.

"Stop teasing me," I whimper as he becomes more aggressive.

"What do you want, little rose? I expect words," he nips my ear.

"Just fuck me, please," I plead as I turn and face him. Wrapping my hands around his neck I stand on my tiptoes and kiss him.

The kiss is gentle until we both end up in a fight for dominance. Ultimately, I almost win until he breaks the kiss.

"Jump," he tells me, I jump and wrap my legs around his waist feeling his erection right on my core.

He turns me around so I'm pinned against the wall before kissing me roughly. I moan into the kiss as he slips two fingers inside me with ease. "Fuck," I moan out.

As he pumps them in and out of me I feel my legs starting to tremble. He surprises me by swapping his fingers with his dick swiftly. I almost scream as he hits my g-spot repeatedly.

"I can't take it Vanni," I let out as I feel myself already about to finish.

"Don't cum until I say so Rose you can take it," he grunts as he continues to pound into me. The feeling of him sucking my nipples and pounding me becomes too much.

Tears start to swell in my eyes as I make eye contact with Vanni. "Please," I beg him.

Before he can answer I feel myself do something I didn't even know I could do. We both stop and look down as the clear liquid shoots out of me.

"Holy fuck," Vanni let's out breathlessly.

"I just-"

"You squirted," Vanni beams with joy laced in his tone. "Shit you amaze me."

As he pulls out of me I notice he came too as the white substance drips out of my core.

Putting me down gently he helps me stand as he notices my legs shaking.

We quickly wash off and soon we're in bed naked once again.

I gasp as I realize something while laying on top of Vanni. "I hope the walls aren't th-"

"Right there fuck!" I hear a female voice moan loudly. I recognize the voice as Arya.

"Well that answers my thoughts. But who is she..." I stop as I feel Vanni tense underneath me. The hand he has in my hair stops moving.

My nose scrunched as I realize the only person it could be is Nico. Arya and Nico fucking is not something I thought I would ever hear.

"I'm gonna kill him," Vanni grits out.

"He's fucking your sister and your fucking his. I'd say you guys are even," I mumble just loud enough for him to hear.

"Hush little rose."

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 06, 2022 ⏰

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His Mafia Dancer (Book 1 in the Segreto Series) ©Where stories live. Discover now