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She's beautiful. Everything about her screams me. How she came into this life is something I want to know.

She might not want to speak to me when the time comes, I wouldn't even know what to say. I have no excuse for leaving her. As I stare down at the photo of her and Don Segreto I worry about her. I left so she wouldn't have to deal with being in the mafia lifestyle yet here she is with the king of it all. I just hope he doesn't bring her to the ball. That would seal her fate and it would take more than an army to protect her from the danger that awaits.

I've been checking on her every year since she was born and she doesn't even know it. Soon she will, I love her just as much as my other children. Xena will come home soon, hopefully before it's too late.

Xena Valentino

"Would you like to attend the annual ball with me, little rose?" Vanni asks me as we sit in his office. I'm sat on one of his chairs in front of his desk while he's been working on his laptop, occasionally looking up at me as I watch a Madea movie on my phone.

Looking up at him I see him studying me closely as he waits for an answer. "When is it?" I ask him knowing I agreed to party with Lei this weekend.

"Thursday," he answers.

"Yes," I smile at him.

"Someone will be coming in an hour to get your measurements," he tells me. I want to ask him how he knew I would say yes but decide not to.

After the movie finishes Vanni gets a call. "Giovanni Segreto...yes...okay bring them to my room," he finishes.

Turning his attention to me he looks at me with a look that I can't place. "That shirt isn't covering up much," he points out. I look down and notice the t-shirt I have on rode up leaving the black thong I have on showing.

"Sorry," I mumble as I pull the shirt down.

"Don't be, I've actually been enjoying the view. The designers are here though, go put on shorts and meet them in the room," he bosses me.

I stand up and head to the room. As soon as I'm done putting on a pair of shorts I hear a knock. Heading to the door I open it and see a man and woman just around my age.

"Come in, my name is Xena." I introduce myself.

"I'm Cyrus, and this is my girlfriend, Cora." he tells me as they come inside and he begins setting up. Cora holds her hand out for me to shake and I take it.

"Do you usually help him?" I ask curiously.

"No, but when I heard who he's gonna be making a dress for I had to come and see, sorry. You're face is everywhere and I was sure we wouldn't be able to talk at the ball seeing as you'll probably be busy explaining how you ended up with Don Segreto," she explains.

"Don't apologize, you were just curious like me." As I take in her looks I notice we look very similar. Between our hair and our facial features its almost like looking in a mirror. "How old are you?" I ask her.

"22," she replies before Cyrus starts taking my measurements.

"Oh, we're only a year apart," I observe as he wraps the measuring tape around my waist making me lift my arms straight up.

"So I gotta ask, how long have you two been together?" she questions me nervously.

"Only a few weeks. The first picture the world seen of us together was also took on the first day we were technically together. Everything happened quick but we're definitely happy. What about you guys?" I gesture to her and Cyrus.

"He's actually my high school sweetheart, we met as freshmen and began dating a few months later. It's almost been 7 years officially," she smiles as she looks like she's thinking about memories.

"That's sweet," I gush.

"All done. Now just tell me about the dress you want." Cyrus jumps up as he grabs a notepad and a pencil.

I think about it for a second and decide on telling him about a dress I've seen in my dress. "I want it to be covered in diamonds with white sheer fabric. I also want it to be fall around at my feet. The top part, you can do whatever with it," I finish.

"Okay, it'll be done early Thursday morning, see you then," he states as he finishes getting ready and starts heading out the door.

"Bye Cora. I hope I'll see you at the ball," I tell her honestly.

"Bye Xena, I'm glad we got the chance to talk." she speaks out as they walk out the door closing it on the way out.

His Mafia Dancer (Book 1 in the Segreto Series) ©Where stories live. Discover now