Chapter 13

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Tahleea's POV

I drove to a hotel and checked in. I didn't want my babies to see me like this. I needed some alone time. I called my mom to let her know that I was ok and that I'd check on the kids tomorrow. Her voice sounded so sad. I know she's wondering what's going on with me, but I've got to deal with this on my own. I don't want to drag family and friends in the middle of this fiasco.

I then called Darah to let her know I wouldn't be logging in for a few days. I told her I was going through some things that only I could work out and I'd tell them everything when I got myself together. She told me that Jaxon had just flown in today so he'd be able to help. I thanked her for everything and told my friend I love her.

I went into the bathroom to take a shower, wash my face and brushed my teeth. Before I could get in the bed, Dre was calling me. I pressed the decline button to send his ass to the voicemail.

The next morning, I awoke feeling like I had been run over by a big Mack truck. I couldn't sleep but at least I didn't cry all night. I prayed for strength and guidance. For me to get through this, whatever decision I make, it will be with the help of the man above.

I got up and called my mom to check on my babies. She said Andre picked them up not long ago to take them to school. I know he thought I was over there.

"Tahleea you know I don't want to get into your business, but you're my only child. Please know that I'm praying for you and your family, but I'm mostly praying for you. Me and daddy love you so much."

I could hear her voice cracking. I was trying my best to get through the day without shedding a tear, but this broke me even more. I never ever wanted to be the one to cause my mama hurt. She's hurting because she knows I'm hurting.

"Mama I'll be ok one day. Right now I'm dealing with so much, but I don't have the strength to talk about it. I'm broken. I feel like I've lost control of myself."

We cried together until we were all cried out. I told her I love her and hung up the phone. Contemplating calling Dre so I could talk to the kids, my phone rang. It was him. He had my babies on the line. They wanted to know where I was. I skipped over answering the question by telling them I'd be home soon but I'd call to check on them. It seemed to suffice for the time being. Then Dre got on the phone.

"Tee please...." I hung up the phone. I didn't want to hear anything he had to say.

I got dressed and went to the hotel lobby to partake in the free breakfast. I loaded my plate with waffles, eggs, and bacon and fixed a glass of milk. Me and the little one were hungry. After I had seconds, I went back to my room and settled on the couch to watch tv.

Since the hotel has WiFi, I checked my work email from my phone forwarding all of the important ones to Darah and Jaxon. I should have known not to send anything to Jaxon because as soon as he received the email, he called me. I pressed the accept button, but I didn't say a word.

"Remember our promise Tahleea. I'm here when you're ready."

I started crying as he held the phone. He didn't say a word.

"Thank you Jaxon. Yes, I remember our promise."

"I love you baby girl. Do you know that?"

"Yes I know. And I love you."

"Rest and I'll check on you later if that's ok."

I told Jaxon it was ok to call me later. Feeling too tired to watch tv, I got in the bed and drifted back to sleep.

After a few hours of sleep, I woke up feeling better but hungry. I ordered food to be delivered to my room. While I waited on my food, I called to talk to my rugrats. As I talked to AJ, I could tell he was very concerned. It was then that I made up my mind that I needed to get back in the game. My children are feeling the effects of my hurt, pain and anger.

After I ate and got my belly full, I pulled the schedule of all upcoming presentations and changed the presenter from Darah to me. I can't allow the darkness that's in front of me, prevent the sunshine from coming through. I decided that I'd check out of this hotel and I'm going to have a serious conversation with Andre about our marriage upon his return home. There's so many variations in my life and I need to make sure I'm doing what's best for my children and my company. I've allowed him to control my happiness for too long. I'm taking it back!


The next morning, I checked out of the hotel. Since Dre had away games, he wouldn't be back until tomorrow. I went home and took a long hot bath. After getting dressed, I sent a text to my mom to let her know I was going into the office and I'd pick up AJ from school and made sure she could pick up the twins.

On my way to the office, I called the nearby breakfast bar and placed an order for breakfast sandwiches and juice to be delivered for my employees. They haven't seen me in several weeks, so I owe them that and more for making sure TDL Logics still performed at top expectancy. I pulled up in my assigned parking spot. Checking the rearview mirror, I talked to the woman that was looking at me. I let her know that she's beautiful, she's worthy of the best, she's a great mother, an awesome wife, the best daughter any parent can have, an amazing friend, a leader, and most importantly, the daughter of the King. Today, I'm taking my life back and everything from my head to my toes confirms it.

I got on the elevator and rode to the 7th floor. Once I exited, I could see my secretary throw her hands over her mouth. She jumped up from her desk and ran to me. Embracing me in a tight hug, she let me know how happy she was to see me. I let her know that I was happy to see her and that it felt good to be back in my element.

She told me there is a presentation scheduled to begin in fifteen minutes in the conference room and that's where I would find Darah and Jaxon. I told her not to let anyone know that I was here. I stopped by my office to lock up my purse and then walked into the conference room. As soon as I opened the door and walked into the conference room, Darah looked up and yelled my name. "Tahleea, I wasn't expecting you today. I'm so happy to see you."

My friend had the biggest smile on her face. She almost let a few tears escape. I whispered in her ear. "Don't you dare cry Darah. I've done enough of that the past several weeks. If you cry, I'll cry. So not today ok?"

She nodded her head ok and we hugged like long lost sisters. I turned to see Jaxon standing to the side. I fell into his arms. We held one another and it felt so good to be in his arms.

"Hey beautiful. I'm glad you're back."

I'm glad to be back.

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