Chapter 31

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Tahleea's POV

My mind was cluttered with everything that had just happened, questioning my decision to stay with Dre for the sake of my children having both parents in the home. How could I have been so stupid to think that if I gave just a little more that he'd change. He doesn't respect or honor our marriage. For him to go out and screw Macy hurts deep, but to bring her into our home has me on a different level of hurt. I've never been a violent person, but I swear I could have Lorena Bobbitt his ass and would not have been remorseful at all.

After riding around for about an hour crying and thinking of my next move, I finally checked into a hotel. As I entered the room, I made sure to lock the door and dropped my bags on the floor. Feeling a migraine coming on due to being emotionally drained, I settled on the couch to calm myself down before calling my babies. I sat for a little while, rubbing my temples. Lord help me. The tears started flowing again. All I could think about was how much I've invested in my marriage.

Finally getting myself together, I pulled my cell phone out of my purse. I needed to check on my babies to see how they were holding up. Before I could dial Tahlese's number, I got an incoming FaceTime including AJ and Tahlese. I didn't want AJ to know because right now he has a lot going on. Being a freshman and starting football camp tomorrow, I didn't want to burden him with the issues that could only be handled by me and his dad. I answered the call. As soon as my face appeared on the screen, AJ was telling me he was coming home. That's the last thing I want him to do. First it's too late for him to be on the road making a three hour trip alone. Second, he has football camp that he can't miss.

"AJ, I'm ok. Do not get on that road to come home. I've got enough on my mind. Do you want me to worry about you because you're on the road so late by yourself?"

"I'll be ok mama. I'm a big boy and I'll be careful."

"You being a big boy and being careful is the least of my worries. There's other things that could happen and I just don't want you on the road. Stay there ok. Me, your sister and brother will come spend time with you after camp."

That seemed to calm him down.

I could tell Tahlese was still crying. She told me what she told her daddy. It made her feel bad because of the way she talked to him. I told my trio that under no circumstances were they to disrespect or mistreat their father. He loves them with every cell of his body and would lay down his life for them. That I know for sure. I won't allow them to feel that it's ok to be disrespectful in any way just because of the situation we're dealing with right now.

Drew appeared on the screen. He's always been my calm child, but I could tell he was struggling to keep his bearings.

"Mom, dad said he was going to do his best to make things right. Are you going to give him a chance?"

"Drew, I don't know the answer to that question right now. I just need time away from your dad. I don't know how long, but I've got to have time to mend. I'm not going to make a hasty decision to come back. Do you guys understand?"

They all answered that they understood and I was relieved to hear that. After a few more minutes talking to my trio, I told them I love them and that we'd talk later.

It wasn't too long ago that I thought I had found Tahleea, but she's quickly fading from existence again. It's my fault. I allowed it. Heck I supported his behavior, even somewhat ignoring it. Loving him the way I do is dangerous. He shouldn't have been able to do this again. My heart is shattered into pieces. Now I need time to pick up the pieces and then put them back together. I owe it to myself: time. What's my next move? Only time will tell.

I finally dragged myself from the couch, grabbed my overnight bag to get my toiletries and pjs and made my way into the bathroom to take a shower. Maybe I can wash away some of this weight of hurt, disappointment and anger down the drain. It would be nice if it were that easy.

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