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July 5, 2024 - Los Angeles, CA

Serina swallows hard as she watches the audio engineer. He glances up at her and gives her a thumbs-up. She inhales a deep breath and nods, clenching and unclenching her fists. She hasn't felt this nervous since the first time she's ever recorded a song. She's done this many times, she's been doing this for years but this particular song she's about to record hits harder than anything she's sung before. It plays with her emotions like a violin. The sound of the backing music flows into her ears from her headphones and she begins to sing the first verse.

"Media ansiosa, no tenerte me destroza
Quisiera haberle hecho caso al corazón
Decepciona', faltó decirte mil cosas
Quizas sali defectuosa en el amor... "

[Mildly anxious, not having you destroys me
I wish I had paid attention to my heart
Disappointed, I had a thousand things left to say
Perhaps I am flawed when it comes to love]

The weight in her chest feels heavier with each lyric that spills from her throat. She's about to release her fourth album, which will also be her first Spanish-language album. It is set to come out next week on the 12th, so every song is already recorded and needs only just a bit of editing to be perfect. However, Serina decided to add one more song at the last minute after inspiration randomly hit her one night. She had been lying in bed trying to sleep but the thought of a certain person kept her up. This wasn't anything new, he kept her up most nights. Nevertheless, the memories of him and her unspoken feelings were way too intense that one night, she had to let it out.

So she jumped out of bed, grabbed her songbook and pen, and got to work, pouring her thoughts and emotions onto the pages. Much like her tears, the words and melody flowed out of her quite effortlessly. Songwriting is fairly easy when you know what you want to say. What isn't easy, however, is the sorrow and heartache that accompanies the process. Images of his aquamarine eyes, his brown hair, his smile, and the sound of his laughter filled her mind as she wrote, causing the pain in her chest to spread.

"Pasó el tiempo en mi subconsciente
Soñando con volver a verte
Pa' esos tiempos no habrá suplente
Sufro en silencio, como tanta gente"

[I spend time inside my subconscious
Dreaming about seeing you again
Nothing will replacе those times
I suffer in silеnce, as many people do]

Serina closes her eyes as she sings, every word escaping past her lips pulling at her heartstrings. She pictures him in her head, she can remember every detail about him as if she just saw him a few minutes ago. His voice echoes in her mind, the same words playing over and over again: "the lovely Serina." That was her favorite phrase. She keeps her eyes shut, squeezing them to keep the tears from leaking. This isn't the first song she's written about him but it's definitely the one that resonates with her the most.

Almost Is Never Enough ꕥ 𝘿𝙧𝙪𝙞𝙜Where stories live. Discover now