Chapter 8: We're Looking For Druig

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400 AD - Gupta Empire

Sersi and Ikaris stand in front of each other, gazing at one another adoringly before interlocking their lips in a loving kiss. The other Eternals watch them happily, Ajak is basically weeping with joy. Serina has a bright smile on her face as she grips Makkari's shoulders in excitement. She's super happy for her friends and wishes them endless happiness in their marriage. She loves seeing them so joyful and in love. She watches as the couple smiles and Sersi holds Ikaris's face in her hands.

She can't help but wonder what it must be like to be in a relationship like that, to be in love and have someone love you back. Sure, she's had men and women be infatuated with her and basically throw themselves at her feet but she never had an interest in any of them. It wouldn't matter much if she did anyway because they're human, meaning that they would die one day while she lives on. Nevertheless, only one person catches her eye... the Eternal with sapphire eyes and chocolate hair.

She's not sure if it's love or infatuation, but she's definitely felt something for him for a LONG time. What she doesn't realize is that Druig feels something too, except he's more sure of his feelings. He knows he loves her but never utters a word about it to her because he's convinced that she's too good for him and could never love him. Makkari tells him he's stupid for keeping his emotions locked up but he's too stubborn to listen. He's okay with admiring Serina from afar for now.

*Time skip*

The party guests cheer and applaud after Serina finishes her song with the band. She hops off the stage and walks through the reception. As she passes by Kingo, he speaks up, "That was beautiful. Um, so when is the song about me coming?"

"Shut up, Kingo," the girl replies as she keeps walking.

"Damn!" the man curses under his breath. Serina giggles when she hears him and shakes her head.

She spots Druig sitting alone with a plate of fruit in hand and heads straight to him. "Hey, pretty boy," she chirps.

Druig looks up at the sound of her voice. "Ah, lovely Serina," he voices as she takes a seat beside him.

"There's a party and I find you sitting by yourself eating," the girl remarks. "Same old, same old, huh?"

The boy shrugs. "Well, eating is fun," he nonchalantly replies. The girl tilts her head and shrugs in agreement. Druig holds the plate out to her, offering to share.

"Thanks," she responds, grasping a slice of watermelon and biting into it before the boy places the plate between them.

They remain silent for a moment as they eat the delicious fruit. Serina scans the party, watching everyone smile and celebrate. Her eyes land on the newly-wed couple and she just studies them, seeing how Sersi giggles whenever Ikaris spins her around and how they continuously steal kisses from one another. The love between them is so clear to see. Druig glances at the girl, noticing her soft facial expression. He follows her line of sight and spots the couple.

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