Chapter 1: He's Like Super Ancient

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July 5, 2024

Serina walks out of the recording studio with Jefnier behind her. "Tengo que irme [I have to go]," he states, turning his body to face the girl.

"Ah, okay. Cuídate [take care]," she responds as they hug.

"Gracias, mi reina [thank you, my queen]. Bye," Jefnier replies before walking off.

Serina heads in the other direction and her assistant/best friend, Alexis, runs up to her from out of nowhere. "Ready to go?" she asks.

"Yeah, let's go," Serina responds as they continue walking through the building.

Alex cocks an eyebrow at her. "So what's with you and Lu-Lu-Lunay?" she questions, singing Jefnier's signature ad-lib. Serina laughs at this.

"What do you mean? You already know what's up," she asks.

Alex gives her a pointed look. "Girl, I saw the way he looked at you. That's not how you're supposed to look at your ex," she remarks in a sassy tone.

Serina playfully rolls her eyes. "Nothing is going on with us," she verifies as they get on the elevator. Alex scoffs at this.

"Maybe not with you but something is going on with him," she claims. "I mean, it's not surprising. You dated for two years and he wrote a song about you. AND you made a song together called 'Todo o Nada [All or Nothing].' And it's been like six mon-" Alex rambles until Serina interrupts her.

"I know, Alex. I was there," she states. The elevator doors open and they step out into the lobby.

"Look, I know how he feels about me and I still care about him but... even though he was the best relationship I've ever had, I can't be with him," she explains to her friend.

Alex slowly nods, giving her a knowing look. "Because you still want the other guy," she softly utters. Serina doesn't answer, keeping her eyes forward as they approach the glass doors that lead outside. Alex can see the sadness on her face. "Oh, honey," she sighs. "When it comes to never moving on, you're the queen... It's been literally centuries and this ancient man still has you in a chokehold. I gotta meet this guy," she voices, scoffing and shaking her head at the end.

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